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Why California Psychics

Why California Psychics
What makes us the most trusted psychic company?
In 25 years of extraordinary service we have delivered over 6 million confidential, accurate readings. And our dedication to selecting only those who possess outstanding psychic abilities has been a key ingredient in our success. When you connect with one of our psychics you are speaking – or chatting – with someone that has been tested and proven to possess the highest qualities in their field. That’s what makes our advisors the highest-rated in the industry. Giving you the best reading starts with working with the best psychic advisors. It’s that simple.
Best Psychics Best Psychics
Only 2 out of 100 Psychics who apply to
California Psychics are accepted.
The process to join California Psychics is not an easy one.For starters,just getting through the application process alone is tough.Which is good for you beacause it deters those who are not serious about using their abilities to guide those who need them.We carefully look through thousands of application a year in search of few who show a spark,a promise of their abilitiesand a true dedication to building a connection withour customer.
Once we find them, we assess their ability to accurately identify past, present and future.
But that's not the only requirement! we really get to know them during this initial phase, learning more about their background,personality,philosophy until we are sure that they are psychic advisor we can rely on to represent our vaalues and our mission.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
The only risk is not seeking the guidance you deserve.
We are so confident that you’ll be satisfied with your reading that we guarantee it. If for any reason you are not satisfied, call our customer care specialists within 24 hours of your call and, we will connect you with another psychic. We do not guarantee that the predictions you receive will come true, but we do our best to ensure that you enjoy the reading.
Professional Customer Care
We’re here for you all day, every day — seriously.
Our customer service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. And each member of our team has the ability to recommend the best psychic for you as well as answer any questions you might have about scheduling, signing up, your account or billing. They are helpful, knowledgeable and passionate about our psychics and can help you get the most of out your readings. They also service users from all countries and can answer your questions in English and Spanish.

Whether it's mid-morning or after midnight – we are here to make sure you get the most from your California Psychics experience!
Secure & Confidential Payments
Privacy is serious stuff. That’s why we ALWAYS take
yours seriously.
Like your conversations with our psychic advisors, your credit information is held in strict confidence. Your credit card statement will never reveal our service name or the nature of the charge. The charge will appear as “TELCASH” on your statement. From the moment you become a California Psychics customer – through all of your readings, conversations with Customer Care, and any financial transactions – you can be sure that your privacy is maintained and secure.
Available Psychics!
Whether you’re looking for quick answers to big questions or long-term guidance, our psychics can help you on your path towards happiness, serenity, and success.
Find the psychic that’s right for you.
  • Psychic Seymour
    Knows that crises hide hidden opportunities.
    total readings
    • Career & work
    • Deceased loved ones
    • Love & relationships
    full profile
  • Psychic Caleb
    Helps you discover your fulfilled life.
    total readings
    • Deceased loved ones
    • Love & relationships
    • Career & work
    full profile
  • Psychic Herb
    Channels energy to provide clarity and guidance.
    total readings
    • Love & relationships
    • Money & finance
    • Destiny & life path
    full profile
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