Your LOVECAST™: Getting Physical In Love

The Full Moon in Aries intensifies passion throughout the week. It encourages taking initiative and getting physical in love. Mind and heart merge during the weekend. So be courageous!

Week of October 13 – 19, 2008

Libra: Romance is a priority during the Full Moon, which energizes twosomes. Getting clear about what you want in a partner will help them manifest. Your creativity in the boudoir heightens passion mid-week. Express your relationship ideals to deepen love on Friday and Saturday. Emotions can overcome reason on Sunday.

Scorpio: You’re energized for just about anything during the Full Moon, which accelerates passionate encounters. Love is deep but may also challenge you mid-week. Interactions with your sweetie take precedence and the need for a compromise may arise. Your wicked side takes charge on Friday and Saturday! Soulfulness sweetens love on Sunday.

Sagittarius: The Full Moon makes romance skyrocket for most of the week, so plan something fun with your sweetie (or open your heart to someone new). Intimacy deepens mid-week, if you take your time to slowly pleasure your partner. Your wit fires up passion on Friday and Saturday! Love needs nurturing on Sunday.

Capricorn: The Full Moon fires up lust but can also irritate your relationship and make you impatient. Take a breath and enjoy the sweetness. Romance blooms mid-week, so take some time out from work to open your heart to love. Your helpfulness inspires romance on Friday and Saturday. Sunday is both loving and lusty!

Aquarius: Your words can widen your circle of influence – both in love and at work – during the Full Moon, so share your brainpower. Let your gut instincts lead you in romance mid-week; come from the heart to deepen love. Your originality electrifies romance on Friday and Saturday! Love needs sincerity on Sunday.

Pisces: The Full Moon encourages you to take the lead in love this week. A moneymaking opportunity may land in your lap as well. Express your heart mid-week to deepen romance. A trip for two can make passion percolate, too. A home-cooked feast that delights the senses accelerates passion during the weekend!

Aries: Feelings overtake logic on Monday. Tuesday’s Full Moon in your sign brings out your daring side in the boudoir, so reveal your fire! Romance is slow and sexy mid-week. Flirting (while traveling?) brings adventure on Friday and Saturday. A homey rendezvous deepens feelings on Sunday, so get cozy with your sweetie.

Taurus: The Full Moon encourages you to forget the past and take hold of the present, especially in love. Your sensuality and style heighten your powers of attraction mid-week, so prepare yourself for a romantic adventure! It’s time to show off your artistry, too. A generous gesture accelerates romance on Friday or Saturday. Flirting heats up on Sunday.

Gemini: Socializing accelerates during the Full Moon, which can bring a romantic opportunity through a group project. Let your instincts take over to accelerate passion mid-week. Friday is an especially good time for flirting. Your humor draws admirers (and fun!) on Friday and Saturday. Express your deeper feelings on Sunday.

Cancer: You’ll feel encouraged (pushed?) to initiate a romantic tryst during the Full Moon, when love needs a show of daring. Look for a career opportunity, too. A friend may be instrumental in providing a romantic interlude mid-week. Romance percolates behind the scenes on Friday and Saturday. You’re fiery and emotional on Sunday!

Leo: The Full Moon ignites passion and inspires romance through travel, spiritual discussions and cultural activities. Love is sweet and sexy mid-week, but your patience may be tested. Romance can be found during a community event or an unusual group endeavor on Friday or Saturday. A cozy boudoir encounter deepens passion on Sunday.

Virgo: Your cautious side goes into hiding during the Full Moon, when passion takes over! Learning something new – in or out of the bedroom – heightens romance mid-week, when your sensuality is in full swing. Your naughty side accelerates lust on Friday and Saturday. Your words have power on Sunday, so speak(or flirt!) wisely.

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