The 7 of Wands and the 5 of Wands

When I was growing up, I had a very awesome friend who had a very amazing mother. She had the most animated bright blue eyes, and whenever she got onto a hot topic I could almost see sparks fly from her head. One of the reasons I also respected her was because she was a complete secret success. On the outside she was humble and the ideal homemaker. The perfectly tidy country cabin home, complete with baby gowns, pinafores, and bonnets on display with other deep south home decor. She was always dainty, pretty, and genuine. However, she had the most incredible at home job I think I’ve ever heard about to this very day. She decided what country songs were going to be a hit and which ones wouldn’t. She determined what songs were to be played on the radio and which ones weren’t. She was never a radio DJ. She wasn’t even a singer or songwriter. She just had the deepest convictions when it came to good and bad, especially music. After complaining long enough to the right people they gave in and gave her a shot. “I wouldn’t have what I have if I didn’t stick to my guns!” She used to tell us.

The 7 of Wands is about sticking to your guns. I tell you, I really love this card. Admittedly, I say this about every card I write, but I really love this card. On this card we usually find a man with a wand opposing 6 other wands. Whether he’s the aggressor or the victim, he’s holding his own and will prevail. Thus, winning people over to his side, becoming King of the Hill.

The 7 of Wands represents challenges you will overcome, opportunities you must seize because you will own them, and finally getting what you want for what you desire is right! Inverted this card may represent embarrassment, making a fool of yourself, shame, being humbled or truths being revealed.

The 5 of Wands is about disagreements, hassles and competition. On this card we see 5 people dueling each other. I always imagine these are 5 brothers involved in sibling rivalry. I think of this because they are each opposing the group. No one is right and no one is wrong. They each want to be preferred.

If you get the 5 of Wands in a spread it doesn’t usually mean huge conflicts, just irritating ones. Bumping your head, stolen parking spaces, bratty peers, etc. Inverted this card might represent championing over things while others are still bickering, self-reliance, or things going your way.

Are you involved in a situation that you know you are right about, but things aren’t coming to fruition? Try calling one of our great readers to help you get down to the basics on why this isn’t working or when it finally will!

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2 thoughts on “The 7 of Wands and the 5 of Wands

  1. Psychic Jacqueline x9472

    Jacqueline x9472 said to Nunu….
    Love your article all of your wisdom and knowledge regarding the cards….
    I don’t use tools during my readings, but I’m so excited about the information I get to learn about the cards…. 🙂
    Blessings and Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472

  2. The Lovely Duckling

    Thanks, Nunu!
    I love the way you explain the cards in your articles. As an absolute beginner learning about Tarot, your articles provide such clarity. I have a few books that are well-written and interesting, but none of the explanations seem to make sense in the same way yours do.
    I will join the chorus of those who have already said that you should write a book…you REALLY should!
    Lise 🙂


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