Your Weekly Career Forecast for August 6 – 12, 2012

What to Do With All That Excess Energy

The week of August 6th through the 12th, while still bringing flashes of brilliant thought, requires that all sun signs take care with contracts and finances. It’s a great time for taking those ideas and developing them into a truly powerful presentation during the last half of the month. While there is still a certain edgy feeling (some people feel nervous and concerned), this can be a great time to pour that excess energy into creating terrific products and services for your career future.


You are probably the most confident person at work with all the recent changes. You continue to be really “wired up” to all the transformation taking place around your workplace. While your career may have been shockingly rocked during July, you have so many brilliant new ideas, especially around the 6th of August, that you know in your gut that you’re creating a new space to have your job turn into your dream. Need help turning your job into your dream job? Talk with Psychic Teva ext. 5141 and get the tools you need to make it happen.


Watch for your positive attitude to bring financial gains from August 6th through the 12th. August 7th offers a new opportunity. A boss or client may respond to your beautiful creations, your great looks may bring just the right image for a project, or they’ll see the money-making attributes of your work. On August 8th or 9th you may hear news about an inheritance or someone willing to invest in your talent.


The week of the 6th through the 12th of August is a great time to use your talents and create a beautiful “hands-on” design, whether you are working on a piece of art, a character you are developing as an actor or writer, or an inspiring concept at work. Someone will connect with you on Friday afternoon, bringing a weekend full of ideas that could bring in money as soon as Monday of next week.


The females at work will be the focus of your attention the week of August 6th through the 12th. Someone who is highly independent and intelligent will recognize your new innovation. Your empathy and sensitivity will serve you well in working with others. You don’t want to be the person who explodes during the emotional tension of Monday and Tuesday, and things will blow over by Wednesday the 8th and you can work in the calmer environment you prefer.


You are communicating well the week of August 6th through the 12th. You will be in the spotlight even more during your birthday month. You can “fire up” co-workers and clients with your enthusiasm, and your ideas can begin to come into fruition as early as the afternoon of Friday August 10th.


Partners may have some mysterious health concerns, and people automatically go to you to analyze their feelings and to provide a down-to-earth response—a “grounding” to settle their fears. This talent you have for being level-headed could also stop someone at work from over-spending on a crucial project.


Your diplomatic skills will be needed this week because someone at work or at home will feel slighted and think about “blowing up” everyone else’s hard work or the structure that others have built on Monday the 6th or Tuesday the 7th. You’ll have more time to deal with your own plans and ventures once you handle others’ high emotions. If someone else’s emotions are getting in the way of your own plans, talk with Psychic Mimi ext. 5522. She can help you focus on yourself.


Communication is the essence of everything you are trying to accomplish this week, with effective results possible by Thursday the 9th or Friday the 10th. Your creative efforts will have a healing, calming effect on others. Since someone else is looking to be the “star” at work, use your usual low-key approach and people will subtly and effectively make it clear that you are the one offering something of value.


Your sense of freedom and your desire to aim higher will return. Around Wednesday the 8th clients and/or management will be open to your new idea for a product or service. They’ll love the fact that it’s fun as well as useful, so present it with that point of view.


You have likely felt a bit frustrated with your career. A certain amount of drudgery when you were feeling like charging ahead was annoying, but you stuck it out to pursue your dreams. Relief is on the way! You’ll soon be able to continue with your favorite plans and projects.


You have been creating a rich and appealing product or service that could really be lucrative for your business. The industries of travel and higher education could well provide the clients and/or inspiration for your new idea.


Your dreams and ideals could begin to come alive this week. While there may be a sense of loss at home, know that this will actually clear a path for you to experience new growth and joy with those close to you. This should begin to become clear at this time and release your inner-knowing in a valuable way at work.

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