Your Money Horoscope: Be Extra Careful With Funds

Be Careful With Funds

Money Horoscope

July, for most of the world, offers a full moon in hard-working Capricorn and a full moon in rebellious Aquarius—on the first and last day of July, respectively. To add to the uniqueness of July, Mercury will move through three signs: Gemini, Cancer and Leo. Entrepreneurs should be extra careful with funds around the weekend of the 11th and Venus square Saturn urges everyone to be prudent in financial decisions on the 13th. On July 15, the day of the new moon in Cancer, there will be many planetary shake-ups, so it’s a good day to lay low. July 21 is a great day for all Sun Signs to set a course for their financial future and on the 25th Venus will retrograde, affecting personal spending. Now let’s see what the July Money Horoscope has to say about your Sun Sign in particular:

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Look to the full moon on July 1 as your best bet at increasing your income. This Capricorn full moon spotlights your career house, making you shine. Try striking up a conversation with someone of importance who can help you achieve that next step up.


Mercury, the communicator, will be hard at work in your money house through the first week of July. This will help you get in touch with the right people with the right monetary and/or professional opportunities for you. Your Money Horoscope says you should accept the guidance gratefully.


Last month’s new moon in Gemini marked your personal new year. This month’s new moon in Cancer is the starting line for your financial new year. Use this energy to clean up your credit report, payoff old bills and be proactive in increasing your income.

For the best money-making tips, call Psychic Esther ext. 9669!


The new moon on July 15 will highlight your first house—it’s basically your personal new year. Powerful Mars in Cancer makes you a powerhouse of ideas and action now, and tenacity helps to shape those ideas into money-making realities.


You’ve had daydreamer Neptune in your house of shared money for a long time and this month it forms an angle with money-minded Mercury in your house of mystery and secrets. If you suspect a partner is taking financial advantage, it’s time to check the facts. Hopefully, all is fine.


Your Money Horoscope points directly at one special date, July 18, when both Venus and the Moon enter your first house. Translation: This is one day when it’s all about you, both romantically and financially. The last half of July is also a great time to seek out financial advice if needed.

Will money and love come together for you this month, Virgo? Call Psychic Autumn ext. 6487 and find out!


Many astrological events point towards your home and closest relationships in July. Money-wise, you can count on the July 1st full moon to help you find a new home. Your ruling planet, Venus, will assist while still in your house of hopes and dreams until July 18.


Between June 18 and September 17 Saturn will be retrograde in your first house, giving you a chance to straighten out any financial situations that are less than positive. After that, taskmaster Saturn will reenter your money house for about two-and-a-half years. July and August will be important months to set a budget, so cut unnecessary expenses and focus on long-term monetary goals. Get to work.


Circle July 1 on your calendar, because your Money Horoscope says this is your most important day for finance. With a full moon in your house of money matters and the financially savvy pair of Venus and Jupiter conjunct in your house of self-improvement, it should be a win-win day. Invest in your dreams or buy a home. The universe is giving you the gift of growth!

Are you ready to make that huge investment, Sagittarius? Call Psychic Josslyn ext. 5470 before you sign on the dotted line!


The two full moons of July will land first in your house of self and then your second house of money, respectively. The Aquarius full moon will act as a rebel with a cause, bringing all sorts of people who will urge you to lend or invest in some wild speculation. What you choose to do is purely a matter of free will.


After Venus moves into your house of shared finance on the 18th, it would be a good time to pay attention to monetary matters such as taxes, loans and joint finances. Seek a trusted professional in complicated matters. Their expertise will pay off nicely for you.


With unpredictable Uranus still in your house of money, work may be busy, but payments may be delayed. Word of mouth about your skills sends more work and more financially rich opportunities your way. Just make sure they can afford you first. Get it in writing.

7 thoughts on “Your Money Horoscope: Be Extra Careful With Funds

  1. LJ Innes

    Psychic Quinn: Thank you. That means a lot to me, especially coming from such a gifted psychic and astrologer like yourself. 🙂

  2. LJ Innes

    Dear Autumn and Gina Rose: Thank you both for the compliment and for being regular followers of my Money Horoscope. Your readership means a lot to me and I love sharing my astrological perspective in order to help people navigate the course. 🙂 ~LJ

  3. LJ Innes

    Dear Erika: You’re a Sag and therefore travel and adventure are in your DNA. It not only feeds your soul, but your philosophical mind. Every adventure for you is growth and growth is your theme for July. Go for it and have fun!

  4. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    I agree with you, Autumn, LJ is a very gifted astrologer, I enjoy reading her astrological columns and her articles as well.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  5. erika

    My sagittarius horoscope talks about money I just booked my trip to San Francisco today I know its alot of money but I’m worth it…..something’s telling me to possibly reconsider due to the expense but my heart LOVES SAN FRAN…..Follow my Heart….a true SAG 😉


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