Psychic Q&A: Friend or Husband?

Do They Have a Romantic Future?

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Dear Psychic Kallista,

It’s so confusing! I’ve always believed that I was never “in love” with my past partners, but I did love them. I currently have a really good friend who I think I am very much in love with. We communicate every day, I tell him everything, and I am completely open and honest with him like I’ve never been before. However, we live two hours apart and neither of us has a car. We see each other once a month, if that often. We are committed to each other, without an actual title for a relationship (both our choices). I’ve never felt something like this before. I very much want to have a future with him, but we both have past issues to get over (him more than me) and personal setbacks to overcome. Should I consider him a potential future husband or let that idea go and remain friends?

Psychic Kallista ext. 962 responds:

Thank you for reaching out to me. The best love relationships often start out as great friendships. Is it possible for the two of you to turn this into a committed love union? Yes, it is. In fact, you’re already halfway there. You are attracted to one another, though you’ve both put that on hold for now. This is a positive. Now comes the difficult part: It will take time and healing on both sides for this to continue evolving into what you ultimately envision. The good thing is, you are both aware of this.

He’s going to find a way to see you more often closer to the end of this year and into the top of the new year. He will gently make it clear during one of these visits that he is looking forward to going from just friends to a more romantic coupling with you. Being friends is working for you right now though, so continue to be patient and watch it naturally unfold.

Wishing you both every blessing,


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2 thoughts on “Psychic Q&A: Friend or Husband?

  1. Sal

    I have been trying to find a girlfriend
    I’m fifty six years old male suching someone special she is the same age
    as me i like full figure woman


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