Seven of Staffs Tarot Card Meaning

Seven of Staffs Tarot Card Meaning | California Psychics

Seven of Staffs Keywords

Perseverance, defiance, competition, willpower, strength, and determination.

Staffs Suit Meaning

The suit of Staffs is associated with creativity, passion, art, and sex. It is the suit connected with the element of Fire, and with Fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The Suit of Staffs seeks attention, pleasure, passion, and a sense of connectivity. This is where lust lives, where anger, jealousy, and even chaos live. Although mostly, the Staffs are seen as the spark of creativity, artistry, and craft. The Staffs are also associated with the planet Mars, named for the god of war. Fire is bright, it lights the way, it burns both barriers and bridges without caring which it reaches first, and every card in the suit of Staffs embodies that fiery energy. Depending on the deck, this suit could be called Wands, Rods, Staves, or Clubs.

General Meaning for the Seven of Staffs

While mostly considered a positive card, when the Seven of Staffs shows up in reading, it may reveal a roadblock in the way of your goals. Now is the time to draw upon your willpower and determination to work around obstacles. Your success depends on it. When we consider the cycle of Staffs, the seven has learned lessons, both internal and external, faced both superficial and true growth, and learned how to deal with conflict. Now it is time to reach into the home stretch. The lessons learned in the last half of the cycle are tougher, but they offer more insight and growth than what you’ve faced in the past.

Seven of Staffs in the Past/Yesterday

Think of all you’ve overcome to get where you are right now. Be proud of yourself and enjoy the spoils of victory. If you still want to accomplish more, there’s really nothing stopping you. You have proved yourself in your determination and talent.

Seven of Staffs in the Present/Today

The Seven landed in your present position to tell of an upcoming challenge. Whether you’re applying for a school or the job of your dreams, you’ve got competition, but you could likely beat the odds. You should reflect on how far you’ve come, and how you can lead from your current position. Stay strong and don’t lose faith in yourself. You got where you are for a reason.

Seven of Staffs in the Future/Tomorrow

If you’ve just turned a corner, met a new friend, or started something a new, you can be pretty sure it will be part of your life for the long term. Your life is the sum of your experiences so far. No one said you have to stop. It could also be a warning of conflict to come. If someone challenges you, lean back on your experience and wisdom to try and problem solve.

Love and Relationship Meaning for the Seven of Staffs


If you’re single it’s only because you want to be, so relax; however, if someone is getting in the way of you and someone else, they had better watch out. The Seven of Staffs is all about fighting for what you believe in and fighting for what you’ve earned. If you are set on someone, stay the course and persevere. Don’t compromise your beliefs or take a step backward. Wait for the right time to explore something with the potential for real growth.


You may find yourself in a difficult relationship, or just in a difficult moment. The problems could stem from issues inside the relationship, or someone on the outside could be attacking you. Whichever it is, keep communications open with your partner, and go on the defensive. The Seven of Staffs suggests that whether you think your relationship is worth fighting for or getting over, you will.

Career Meaning for the Seven of Staffs

You may have a proven record of success, but that doesn’t mean you get to stop working if you want to stay on top. There will always be people who try to take your place or try to drag you down in your career. The Seven of Staffs is a reminder that you need to stand up for your morals and integrity, because that’s the only way you’ll inspire others to have your back.

Financial Meaning for the Seven of Staffs

The Seven of Staffs in a money reading suggests that you need to keep a tight lock and even tighter lip on your personal and financial information. Making smart financial investments now will ensure a secure future. Alternatively, you may get paid or paid-back a nice chunk of change.

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