7 Essential Questions for Reflecting on Your Year

7 Essential Questions for Reflecting on Your Year | California Psychics

The Benefits of Reflecting on What’s Past

With the end of the year quickly approaching now is the time to start reflecting on the year that will soon be behind you and set goals and intentions for the upcoming one. I know how difficult it can be to find quiet time with the festivities of the season going on, but taking the time needed to reflect on where you were, where you are now, and where you want to be is of great importance to your personal growth.

Sometimes reflecting on how things transpired over the year can leave you feeling disappointed that you didn’t reach the goals that you set for yourself. Try not to be too hard on yourself though; chances are this happened because the Universe set different lessons and goals for you that were equally, if not more, important. The point of this exercise is to see where things may need to change in order for you to become the best version of yourself and to do so in an affirming way, rather than chastising yourself for the goals that you didn’t reach.

Reflection Questions

Here are 7 questions to help jumpstart your reflection on this year.

  1. What made you feel amazing this year? What truly inspired you and why?

Figuring out what fires you up is a fantastic way to not only set future intentions for including those things more, but also showing you where your passions may lie and what can help to charge your batteries.

  1. When were you at your lowest point this year? What did you do to lift yourself up again?

Even though it’s hard to reminisce on bad or difficult times, they are still important learning opportunities. Those moments allow you to determine what your best coping mechanisms are to help you overcome the low times that we all face.

  1. What did you learn about the people in your life?

One of the most difficult lessons to learn is who you can truly count on and who you can’t. Sometimes friendships change and grow along with you, other times they don’t. You need to make the difficult decision of letting those relationships go. Or perhaps you can now see that some of the people in your life are not reciprocating the same amount of energy that you do and are simply using the friendship for their own gain. Sometimes we just need to know when to let go.

  1. If you had to choose 5 words to describe this year what would they be?

This breaks the year down to its bare core. Don’t overthink what you write down, and if you come up with more than 5 words that is okay too. Think of this as a free association exercise, there are no wrong answers.

  1. What were some of the important lessons that you learned over the year?

Every year comes with its experiences and lessons to work through and learn from, and some stick out more than others. Were any of these lessons continuations from past years? If so, have you learned from it so that they do not repeat themselves again in the upcoming year?

  1. What were some of your greatest accomplishments?

Recognizing our achievements is a major part of your yearly reflection ritual. This helps to not only boost you up but also to illustrate that when you set your mind on something, you have the power to make it happen. Never underestimate the power of determination and intent.

  1. Where do you want to be at the end of the upcoming year?

Now that you have reflected on how far you’ve come this year; it is a great time to set your intention for the upcoming year while your newly found insight is fresh. Use this new information to plot the path to making the upcoming year the best one ever!

Make the Year Your Own

There are plenty of other questions that you can ask yourself at this time of year, so if you have your own end of year questions that you ask, by all means write those down too. I like to put everything in my journal, that way I can more easily reflect back on where I was and how far I came over the 12 months. May your New Year be empowering!

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