Your LOVECAST®: Are You Overreacting?

Your LOVECAST: Are You Overreacting?

Your Love Horoscope

The first-quarter Moon in Gemini on Wednesday will intensify communications, which can cause an overreaction between you and your partner or someone else close to you. On the upside, this influence will motivate you to resolve problems that hinder your love life (and other areas). This weekend, a Mercury-Jupiter opposition will help you see the bigger picture and express (or vent) what’s on your mind. Best days for socializing: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday night and Sunday. Here’s your love horoscope!

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Aries Love Horoscope

Venus and Mars in your sign connecting with Saturn will help clarify your feelings about someone close to you. Be mindful of rash words around the time of the quarter Moon, which intensifies your desire to express yourself. During the weekend, romance will be rocky on Saturday morning/early afternoon, but a message or social gathering may bring love on Sunday.

Taurus Love Horoscope

Your Venus ruler connecting with Saturn will help you attract someone who has commitment in mind. A conflict over money around the time of the quarter Moon will prompt a productive discussion about spending. This weekend, a miscommunication may derail your plans on Saturday, but a date or gathering of friends at your abode will energize you on Sunday.

Gemini Love Horoscope

The quarter Moon in your sign sends your mental energy into overdrive. You’ll need to slow down so that others can catch up with you. Also, be sure you’re coming from the heart when speaking with those you love. Your Mercury ruler connecting with Jupiter this weekend encourages you to express your humor and enthusiasm to inspire romance.

Slow down so your partner can keep up with you! Psychic Phillip ext. 9485 can show you how. 

Cancer Love Horoscope

The quarter Moon will evoke a sudden insight about the past that clears up an issue you’ve been grappling with. You’ll just need some quiet time to stay centered emotionally. This weekend, chaos reigns on Saturday morning/early afternoon, but feelings will flow during the evening. A lively discussion about your desires can ignite passion on Sunday!

Leo Love Horoscope

“Crazy fun” will be the motto for socializing around the time of the quarter Moon. Sharing your ideals and spiritual beliefs will deepen a relationship. You’ll also be motivated to make your dream a reality. This weekend, Jupiter in your sign opposing Mercury fires up your ideas, which will inspire romance, if you resist the urge to pontificate.

Virgo Love Horoscope

Your powers of perception will be needed at work around the time of the quarter Moon, which will intensify your desire to succeed. A misunderstanding may arise midweek, so seek clarity. Your Mercury ruler opposing Jupiter this weekend can fire up passion through witty repartee (a talent of yours, Virgo), so share your brainpower!

Libra Love Horoscope

Serious Saturn connecting with your Venus ruler encourages a discussion with your partner about your long-term goals, which will clarify and deepen the relationship. The quarter Moon fires up your desire to explore your world through travel, knowledge or spiritual practices. Some lively socializing with friends is your best avenue for attracting love this weekend!

Do you feel like you and your partner aren’t on the same page when it comes to your relationship? Psychic Rogers ext. 5327 can tell you why!

Scorpio Love Horoscope

An intimate tryst can bring delight on Tuesday as the quarter Moon intensifies passion. This influence can also trigger an emotion that needs healing, such as jealousy, resentment or the need for control. This weekend, love may come from afar on Saturday, while a public event can bring romance on Sunday, when you’ll likely need to take the lead.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

The quarter Moon intensifies interactions with your partner or closest friends, which can spice up the relationships or evoke a clash of wills. Focus on what matters if you feel pulled in different directions. Your Jupiter ruler opposing Mercury this weekend heightens your way with words, which will inspire romance if you know when to stop talking and listen.

Capricorn Love Horoscope

Your job or daily routine will get out of control during the quarter Moon, so strive to stay organized and take care of yourself. A sensual massage will help you de-stress. Discussing your home life midweek can deepen a relationship. This weekend, except for some stress on Saturday morning/early afternoon, the stars are aligned for love.

Is your home life stressing you out? Psychic Quinn ext. 5484 can help you balance your life!

Aquarius Love Horoscope

The quarter Moon may rattle a relationship if activities with friends pull you away from romance. The challenge will be to divide your time among the array of social activities coming your way. This weekend, Mercury in your sign opposing Jupiter favors meeting new people through the sharing of ideas about philosophy, education, culture or spirituality.

Pisces Love Horoscope

The quarter Moon may ignite a stressful interaction with a family member or someone else connected to your home. You’ll likely want to avoid a confrontation, but a frank discussion will help clear the air. This weekend, a serene setting will inspire romance on Saturday night, while a more daring approach can ignite passion on Sunday!

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