Your LOVECAST®: Outrageous, Flirtatious and Contentious

Your Love Horoscope

Mercury entering Aries today can prompt some outrageous, flirtatious or contentious communications over the next two weeks. It may be time to initiate a discussion you’ve been putting off. Venus merging with Neptune on Friday and Saturday heightens the idealism and/or elusiveness in relationships, so seek clarity, especially when meeting new people. Best days for socializing: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Here’s your love horoscope!

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Aries Love Horoscope

Sharing your ideas can bring romance during Mercury in your sign, which energizes your self-expression. Just be mindful of being a good listener too. Wednesday or Sunday is a good time for a rendezvous with your sweetie or to meet someone new. Your helpfulness can inspire love on Saturday, while a compromise may be needed on Sunday.

Taurus Love Horoscope

Your intuition about love and other areas will be energized during Mercury in Aries, if you take some time to listen. You may find yourself thinking about past discussions, which can bring insights that improve your communications. Romance can be found during a friendly gathering or performance on Friday or Saturday.

Gemini Love Horoscope

Networking with friends and groups can bring opportunities during Mercury in Aries. A friend may introduce you to someone special. Participating in a community event can bring romance as well. Look for love on Wednesday while traveling or learning something new. Hosting a party for friends or dinner for two will bring delight this weekend.

Cancer Love Horoscope

Taking the lead in discussions and sharing your expertise will draw admirers during Mercury in Aries. Networking with colleagues can bring romance and other opportunities. Monday is a good time to connect with someone you’re attracted to. An alluring or highly spiritual admirer from afar may catch your attention during the weekend.

Leo Love Horoscope

Activities that expand your intellectual or spiritual interests will bring new people into your life during Mercury in Aries. Romance can also be found while traveling. A contact from a great distance may bring an opportunity. Your powers of attraction soar on Wednesday, a good time for a date. Fantasy fires up passion on Friday and Saturday!

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Virgo Love Horoscope

Talking about sex, intimacy and emotional healing during Mercury in Aries can deepen the connection with your partner. A discussion about shared resources is also favored. You’ll be a magnet for admirers between Thursday and Saturday, but watch out for flakes. If you’re paired, discussing you ideals or spirituality can bring you closer together.

Libra Love Horoscope

Mercury in Aries jaunting through your partnership sector is a great influence for sharing ideas with your partner or networking with close friends to meet someone new. Cooperation and compromise may be the focus now. You’ll be the center of attention on Sunday, but you may be drawn into a conflict on Monday, so stay centered.

Scorpio Love Horoscope

Interactions at work will escalate during Mercury in Aries. A co-worker may introduce you to someone special or you may meet an admirer through a work project or volunteer activity. If you’re paired, discussions about getting organized or healthy can strengthen your relationship. Romance soars to new heights of sweetness or confusion this weekend.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

Communication is the key to romance during Mercury in Aries, which means you’ll likely meet someone online, while taking a class or through an introduction. If you’re paired, making plans for a vacation or another fun activity will fire up passion. Discussions about children or creativity may also arise. A group activity can bring romance on Sunday.

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Capricorn Love Horoscope

Family interactions will escalate during Mercury in Aries. You might act upon an idea that affects your home life. A tryst with your sweetie on Monday can bring delight, but a conflict on Tuesday may need to be resolved. You may meet someone special between Thursday and Saturday who has a strong intellectual, cultural or spiritual connection to you.

Aquarius Love Horoscope

Your brainpower will be on fire during Mercury in Aries, which is sure to attract admirers and repel those who don’t like your style of communicating. No matter. Those who are in tune with you will stay. A shared activity with your partner can inspire romance midweek. A glimpse of your future will likely come to you on Sunday.

Pisces Love Horoscope

Finances will be the focus of discussions during Mercury in Aries. A moneymaking idea may come to you as well. A date with your sweetie can bring delight on Thursday. Your heightened allure is sure to attract admirers on Friday and Saturday, but be mindful of sending mixed messages and be clear about your intentions.

9 thoughts on “Your LOVECAST®: Outrageous, Flirtatious and Contentious

  1. Randy

    I would love to also find a way to rekindle things with my ex. We also have an odd relationship and are best friends with benefits.


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