Your Solar Eclipse Horoscope by Sun Sign

What Does Your Solar Eclipse Horoscope Reveal?

Eclipses travel in pairs. Following the lunar eclipse that brought conclusion and resolution to our lives, we now must welcome the New Moon solar eclipse which marks the beginning of a new chapter and a new way of being that will be put in place to last for some time to come.

For a detailed, personal horoscope reading, talk to astrologer Psychic Winter ext. 9002 today!

April is shaking up a super astrological cocktail of lunar and solar eclipses; a grand trine in water signs (planets aligned in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces); a cardinal cross—four influential planets situated in the four cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn); and another chapter in the ongoing sequence of Uranus-Pluto squares. The combined energy of the eclipse and the cardinal cross alone make for one directed, impulsive and unpredictable universal clearinghouse.

A New Way of Being

Get ready to experience changes in whichever part of your Sun Sign chart this solar eclipse takes place. A New Moon solar eclipse is a portal to a new way of being. It’s a new chapter in your life and thanks to Taurus being the host of the eclipse, it all gets done with some soothing Venusian energy, Taurus’ ruling planet. So let’s see what your Sun Sign has in store during the solar eclipse. Here’s your Solar Eclipse Horoscope!


As part of the cardinal cross and also the Uranus-Pluto square, this month has had its challenges. This eclipse falls in your house of money in and money out. You may buy something big and/or expensive or you may be working towards a raise. Snags may happen, but you’ve got this. Just stay focused.


You are the host of this solar eclipse and as stubborn as you may sometimes be, the universe is requiring that you simply go with the inevitable flow because there’s no stopping the changes going on around you. If you embrace and accept the process, eventually you’ll see how life begins to change for the best.


This solar eclipse will pale in comparison to this month’s lunar eclipse for you. If something has been kept behind a veil, you will uncover it now. If no secrets, hidden agendas or things you should have known exist, this eclipse could be a non-event for you.

Uncover the truth during a reading with Psychic Renata ext. 5320 today!


The solar eclipse takes place in your house of friends, groups, peers and unexpected happenings. Some of your relationships may undergo a change. A move, a shift in power or a clearing of the air may occur. Speak from the heart with thoughtfulness and acceptance and you can’t go wrong.


Your house of career and status is the focus of this solar eclipse. The only thing to do is wait to see what happens. A mentor or boss may decide to retire or a position you’ve hoped for may suddenly seem out of reach. Unfortunately, you have no control over what occurs. Once the shift happens, you’ll know where you stand and how to powerfully move forward.


Though this is the lightest of the two eclipses for you this month, the solar eclipse will focus on foreign travel, foreign relationships, learning and self-awareness. Meet your obligations openly and honestly, become aware of your situation, open your eyes to possibilities and be determined to learn and grow from the experience.

Psychic Caprica ext. 5727 has the tips you need to learn and grow. Give her a call and take the first step today!


A solar eclipse in your house of other people’s money could involve taxes, business ventures or co-mingled money. This stems from a one-time event. If you’re about to enter into or dissolve an agreement, just make sure you do your homework and that all of your questions are answered before you sign on the dotted line.


This solar eclipse takes place in your house of partnerships, both business and/or personal. Whether a relationship is becoming more formal or serious or a serious relationship is about to end, remember to be kind to your psyche. Take things slowly and proceed slowly and carefully.


This New Moon solar eclipse will focus on your house of daily life and rituals, including work. If you’ve been working yourself silly, it’s time to take it down a notch. Realize that sometimes having more downtime is worth the price of doing less work and making less money. Let the universe heal your mind, body and soul.

Create a work/life balance during a career reading with Psychic Megan ext. 5621!


Your house of love and creativity will be lit up at the time of the solar eclipse. Remember, this is a new chapter in your life so you may be welcoming a new person into your life or you may begin a creative venture that in some way changes your life. Embrace the change.


Something big is happening in your house of home and family. You could be buying or selling a house or welcoming an elderly parent into your home. There are many ways this can and will affect your life for some time to come, so act thoughtfully and accept what happens as a blessing, even if it’s one in disguise.


Communications and your immediate world are both areas of focus during the solar eclipse. Whether you’re publishing a book or you’re finding yourself on the winning end of a local bid for work or public office, how you communicate and negotiate will make all the difference. Even good things might have a little snafu, but it’s nothing that you can’t overcome.

5 thoughts on “Your Solar Eclipse Horoscope by Sun Sign

  1. huguette

    i”m gonna meet this man soon his name is George Can you tell me if there”s a future for the two of us Thanks


    hi I don’t know if I want to hear anymore is anything good going to come out of my reading .


    need to know about the money or growth is ther or very hard movenmt to me or nice days sre been going to come pls let the know same

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