Your Weekend Horoscope: Take Action On The Biggest Dream

Take Action On The Biggest Dream

Your Weekend Horoscope

The New Moon, in bold Leo, encourages you to take action on your biggest dream! Add delightful Venus to the mix and you have a recipe for big-time pleasure and fun! If you don’t know where to begin, look to the activity or project that will allow you to express yourself in a dramatic way. Here is your Weekend Horoscope!

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Your love life gets a boost as the New Moon enlivens your romantic zone. You feel at ease with your desires and can easily express them. Your self-confidence is a big turn-on. Whether you connect with someone new or focus on an existing relationship, you bring the magic that kindles romance and fun.


Your Weekend Horoscope shows a lot of activity happening in your home and family life. This is a time to initiate action that ushers in a new chapter in your domestic story. Contemplate the best action that you can take or the best decision that you can make that will improve this area of your life.


Your innate communication skills are highlighted by the New Moon. Whether you are writing, speaking or interacting with people in your immediate environment, your charisma and skill make everyone take notice. This is an ideal time to speak your truth and to deliver your message to the world.


With the Moon as your ruler you are uniquely affected by its movements and benefit from living according to its rhythms. The New Moon in your financial sector makes this an ideal time to make a fresh start with finances. Pursue a new job, create a budget, or take another step that encourages prosperity.


The New Moon in your sign is especially significant. This is the time of the year when the planetary forces conspire to empower and uplift you. Don’t let this energy go to waste! Your Weekend Horoscope encourages you to set an important, personal goal for the next 12 months.


You get a boost of psychological good health with this upbeat New Moon in your subconscious zone. This placement bestows the courage to face your inner demons head on, thus giving you an opportunity to heal emotional wounds and to reclaim your power from compulsive impulses and undesirable behavior.


Your social life is enlivened by the New Moon in the zone that rules friendship and group associations. This weekend should provide a number of interesting opportunities to hang out with your friends and to participate in activities where you can make new acquaintances. Make it your mission to mingle!


The New Moon in Leo is lighting up your career sector. This energy supports you in making a positive impression upon colleagues and other important people in your professional world. If you want to push your career to the next level, this is a good time to get the ball rolling.


Your Weekend Horoscope reveals a craving to do something different. The New Moon in your house of higher learning encourages you to expand your horizons through travel, study, or spending time with people who hail from a background that is different from your own. What you learn will inform your choices in the weeks ahead.


The New Moon in your intimacy zone makes you ready, willing, and able to experience an encounter of the sensual kind. This is a great time to plan a romantic evening with your mate or date. Your power of attraction is heightened. If you are single, socializing might provide the opportunity to meet someone new.


Relationships take center stage with the bold New Moon in your partnership zone. Whether the connection is business or pleasure, this is a good time to upgrade your relationship and to make a further commitment to each other or to the pursuit of a shared goal. Both your chances for happiness and success increase when you make it a team effort.


The New Moon in your work zone could dramatically improve your employment situation. This energy could bring a new job your way or could bring better hours, pay, or working conditions to your current position. However, it is up to you to set things into motion!

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