A Love Returns

Sometimes all it takes for the exciting prospect of a psychic prediction to come true, is to clear the way with a healthy dose of belief and positive thinking. "Remember that you have the power to ... read more

Love’s Awkward Run-ins

You've just spent a year or more rapturously in love with a person you really thought was "the one." But then it didn't work out. You took some time off trying to find yourself, gained some confidence, ... read more

When Friendships Go Wrong

You've probably heard the saying "You can choose your friends, but not your family." Well, it's true! But what the sentiment misses is that in adult life, oftentimes, our friends become our families. This ... read more

Your Natural Sexiness

The secret to a new and improved sex life - believe it or not, is within you! And while we all know being sexy does have some external factors involved - namely your appearance - tapping into your natural ... read more

How Deep is Your Love?

Okay, so you feel like you're in love... or at least it seems like you are. After all, you're in a committed relationship. But how deep do your feelings really go? And what are the odds your ... read more
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