Spiritual Insights: Talk With Deceased Loved Ones

Liz from Winnipeg, Canada writes:

Since my husband’s passing, I have had one visit from him. He appeared in our home in the doorway of our bedroom and seemed to be looking and assessing the environment, and then looking directly into the bedroom where I was awake but unable to move or say anything. Initially I felt fear, and then as I realized that it was his spirit, the fear passed. I haven’t had a visit since. My husband passed very suddenly, and I wondered if he was telling me that he was OK with where he was?

Dear Liz,

There actually were several things going on during that visit from your husband.

In fact, while I connected with your experience he explained to me that you can see him again, and communicate any time, if you re-create the circumstances of his first visit. To the best of your memory, duplicate the lighting in the room and in the hall, sit or lie in the same place, make your first attempt to connect at approximately the same time of night, and so on.

I don’t think you have to wear the same thing, but re-creating as much as possible of what you remember from the experience will help you make the initial connection. You probably wouldn’t have to use that technique many times, because I see the two of you communicating with ease in the future, perhaps even more ease than in the past.

Your husband was there as much for himself as he was for you. While he stood there, he was of course reassuring himself about your well-being, and letting you know that he’s still around. But he was also studying the energy patterns in the room and in your household, looking at the other beings such as angels and spirit guides who surround you, and introducing himself as a new member of the group of beings, seen and unseen, who love and support you.

When I look at the scene, I can see another being standing behind him, most likely an angel (probably his guiding angel). The angel is instructing him in his new role as your nonphysical guardian. Your husband was given the opportunity to choose between moving on to soul training and then a new life, or remaining with you as guide and protector, and he chose you. Being a guide is apparently a new role for him, and it seems that this will be the first time that you two have had a human-guide relationship, so it should be a fun learning experience all around.

Whatever he might have been while incarnated, the man I’m seeing exudes strongly masculine energy, with loving purpose and determination that is fully focused on you and those you love. I think you’d find it not only trippy, but also incredibly enriching, to explore this new relationship with him fully.

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4 thoughts on “Spiritual Insights: Talk With Deceased Loved Ones

  1. erik crum

    last night I guess I had taken a seizer but not sure but I have at one time died by killing my self snd seen my sister that had past 13 years ago but last night I seen her again and she said it isn’t my time yet but soon what does that mean. let me explain when I take siezers I allways have to be revived I turn purple and pasty grey and my heart stops I don’t know if its my brain telling my body to breath or wake up but like I said this is the second time I seen my sister but I seen some one else last night and it scares me I don’t know what that means

  2. veronica

    my first love and i had just found each other around the end of last year and we were going to be married . he was murdered by the la sheriif on may first of 13 . he came to me in a dream right after the funeral we were in the desert camping by a lake with no water he was just starring at me and not saying anything . i know it was him everything was very vivid and clear .

  3. Leland Whitehouse

    Ive had two definet contacts with the other side.
    One a girl from my past who loved me deeply minutes after she passed
    and two a spirit of a boy that my wife and I seen seperately.
    First as a black shadow then a gray shadow with an image and third
    as an image of a ten or twelve yr. old, a smile freckles and butch hair cut.
    UCLA Paranormal Dept. told us what to do.

  4. karen atchley

    my ex-husband died in april of 2011 we have not spoken or seen each other in over 25 yrs.but i have always loved him and missed him,but he moved away with no way to find him i tried to move on.i remarried found out he never had a serious relationship after ours and i think he came to me when he died,i was at work late at nite and felt a presence flow through me and could see a cloudy substance go through me i thought it was the lady i was with,her husband died there couple yrs earlier but later found out steve had died now i feel it was him i talked to a medium she told me things that made me feel better but now i want to be able to talk to him see him or dream of him more i dont have anyone to talk to about this.my husband doesnt know of this and i dont want him to.he was jelous of steve in life and i know he would be very upset,but i love steve still i always looked for him everywhere we went.does he stay with me all the time or just sometimes,sometimes i feel such a wave of love wash over me i know its him it takes my breath i guess i need reassurence he will stay with me forever.i feel lost now,i dont have anything to look for. thanks for giving me a place to vent about this.


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