Gift-Giving Throughout the Year

Gift-Giving Throughout the Year

Regular Gift-Giving Feels Like Christmas Every Day

Sometimes the pressure of giving robs us of the joy of giving. Many of us look forward to the holiday season, but this time of year also triggers anxiety and reminds us of past disappointments. This mixture of tumultuous feelings can add to our stress and create drama with loved ones and colleagues.

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Enjoying the Ability to Give

The pressure of gift-giving can be intense. We may wonder, can we afford to give the gifts we know they want? And after spending tons of time and effort shopping for those perfect gifts, will it all feel worth it if we get disappointing gifts in return? Who is expecting a gift from you? Who do you tip during the holidays and how much are you supposed to tip them? How can we enjoy our ability to give? I’d like to share what works for me.

A Gift-Giving Ritual

Several years ago, I started a gift-giving ritual that allows me to give throughout the year. It also serves as a tool for destressing and cleansing—it keeps the bad juju away! I went to a craft store and bought a plain wooden box with a latch on it. It only cost a dollar! I painted the box and used a drill to make a coin slot in the top. Then I hung it from my rearview mirror in my car. Every time I get change, I put it in the box. It takes about a month to fill the box up with loose change.

Stressed, Vexed and Jinxed

On days when I am feeling stressed, vexed and jinxed, I start looking for a place to unload my charity box of loose change. Sometimes it’s a reading fund. Sometimes it’s toys and school supplies for veterans’ children. Other times it’s canned food for the local food bank. I might also use it double tip my favorite waitress.

Centering Energy

Releasing the change makes me feel empowered and brand new. It’s a small, simple thing that helps me feel happy and in control of my life. It’s something I can do by saving up a little over time. This act creates good energy and it gets rid of the negative energy in my life. The negative energy is replaced with positive, productive energy. When I give, it centers other people’s energy, and it centers my energy in return.

Your Giving Spirit

If you are in a giving spirit this holiday season, give to someone or something you believe in. You’ll feel the negativity leave your body and the positive, productive energy rush in.

Psychic Laverne ext. 6337

3 thoughts on “Gift-Giving Throughout the Year

  1. Luminosa

    Interesting and seems like a good advice, but I can’t see how that could help me with my holliday gifts. Thank you anyway!

  2. Maddy

    I have been doing the exact same thing for years! There are so many worthy and needy organizations that can benefit all year round. To give unconditionally is to love unconditionally those who need it the most!

    Excellent article! Thank you for sharing!


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