Touch and Go Love

Many of our psychics enjoy working on questions of the heart - because as they say - no matter what walk of life you are in, no matter where you live, whether you're rich or poor, married or single, ... read more

Positive Outcomes

There's just no getting around the fact that you create your own reality. This spiritual principle can be hard to fully understand - yet once you do, it can be an excellent resource for handling life's ups ... read more

Out of Your Head

Communication is the key to many things in life, and in relationships it's no different. Yet more times than not we can find ourselves guessing about what someone is thinking and feeling, interpreting ... read more

Live a More Serene Life

Today, polls are showing that we're more stressed than ever before - recent ones even indicate that people are sleeping less and worrying more than they were just six months ago. So what can you do before ... read more
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Ask Your Spirit Guide

Hello my name is Alicia and I am a sensitive Clairvoyant medium but cannot always answer my own questions. So here is a question that I have been wanting an answer to. Who is the female presence that I ... read more

Moon in Pisces

If you're feeling emotionally wobbly today, it's probably due to some afflictions to Moon in Pisces. Today's Moon-Mars square can make you short-tempered and easily irritated. Plus, a Moon-Uranus ... read more
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