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Stuck in a Dead-End Job?

We've all heard the phrase. Many of us have even felt the pain - the pain of being stuck in a dead-end job with no prospects on the horizon. It goes something like this: same thing everyday, same ... read more
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Don’t Be an April Fool!

So there are tons of lists of what to do on a first date: go somewhere you can actually speak, try an activity date, be yourself! But what shouldn't you do if you want to put your best foot forward? Take ... read more

Dating Do’s

Sometimes when you're dating, you get so caught up in the desire to meet someone, that you forget what you should really be focusing on. So consider these very important indicators that you're onto ... read more
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Your Inner Warrior

From March 21 to April 20, the sun shines in dynamic Aries. The first sign of the zodiac, Aries is ruled by fire and associated with leadership, strength and vitality. Aries people are creative and often ... read more

Dating Don’ts

Sometimes, when we're dating, it's super easy to turn a blind eye to certain things we don't like. Especially if you're like many daters who are actively looking for "the one." One thing to keep in mind is ... read more

Stop Sitting!

If you're like the average American, you have a half hour commute to work, then get to the office and spend eight hours at a desk. From there you spend another thirty minutes in the car to get home before ... read more

Breaking The Ice

People are doing it all the time - at bars, cafes, dog parks and elevators. Ordinary people, not only exceptionally courageous individuals, are approaching and talking to complete strangers. What is it ... read more

Inner Peace is Spreading

An anonymous Internet post today warns us all to watch for signs of peace... the inner kind! It seems that the idea - and the feeling - are catching on. As part of that spirit, we thought we'd share some ... read more
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Haven’t Received that Raise?

Asking for a raise is as nerve racking as professional experiences come, however it's also a negotiation that everyone will endure at some point with an employer. Before we delve any deeper into the ... read more
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