Introduction to Ayurveda

Ayurveda, which is pronounced (eye-your-vay-da), is an ancient holistic science which was handed down by the great seers of India more than 5,000 years ago. In fact, it's the oldest documented body of ... read more
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Untangle Yourself!

"I can't live without you!" Many people long to hear those words. It is a common expression used to articulate how much you are loved, wanted, needed. Hearing those words can surely make you feel safe and ... read more

Libra Profile

It's time for love! If you're suddenly in the mood for more romance in your life, it's because we're entering the time of Libra (September 22-October 21), when love is in the air. Ruled by Venus, the ... read more

Harmony vs. Balance

People talk about the importance of finding balance in their complicated and unpredictable lives, but some argue that balance is, in fact, overrated - and that in order to achieve happiness, it's better to ... read more

Love and Work Conflicts

When you're slammed with work, the last thing you want to worry about is your romantic relationship. But the stress of a busy time at work can really hurt your partnership. Even if you can't spend as much ... read more

Sun in Libra

Yin and yang. Bogie and Bacall. Peanut butter and jelly. The importance of balance in relationships seems pretty evident. Yet why do so many of us seem to get balance all wrong? read more

Bridge to a Higher Power

Chakras are energy centers, vortexes or portals within the body that receive, assimilate and transmit life energy. They are deeply connected to our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In ... read more

Come to Your Senses

The second chakra, which is located in the lower abdominal area and sacral area, deals with our needs, our emotions and our sexuality. Swadhisthana, which means sweetness in Sanskrit, is associated with ... read more

Trust Your Gut

The third chakra, which corresponds to our solar plexus, is situated above the navel in the softest part of our torso. This is where our personal power and sense of individuality resides. This chakra is ... read more
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