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Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2021

The Year Ahead
Jupiter, the Great Benefic, and Saturn, the Great Teacher, are in your sign of Aquarius and transiting your first house of self-esteem, self-confidence, and how you walk in the world. This is a period of tremendous personal growth and insight. Jupiter infuses you with confidence and a great love for life, especially your own life! You see and celebrate your unique self and embrace the growth and opportunities that come your way. You celebrate being alive and want to share that joie de vivre with everyone you meet. Saturn keeps you from being cocky or arrogant, helps you stay grounded and practical, and creates a bridge from heaven to earth, sky to ground. The trick is to balance both of these influences, and neither let Jupiter overdo everything nor allow “task-master” Saturn to create self-criticism or depression.

Follow the impulse to travel, just stay safe as you go. Embrace learning and adventure and look for ways to apply the gifts that come from them to your daily life, as well as ways in which you can help others. You will likely have an increased desire to serve humanity and to make a difference on the planet with your own life. Follow that desire! This is a wonderful year of expansion and optimism married to common sense and practicality. One without the other is like a bird with a broken wing. You need both to soar high and fly free.

This year the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your connection with your partner are:
Feb 2 – Feb 25
Venus, the Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Romance moves into your own sign of Aquarius, joining Jupiter and Saturn and highlighting your self-confidence, self-esteem, attraction, and how you walk in the world. Freedom, expansion, and new horizons beckon and as adventurers line up to join you. Make sure they have what it takes to keep up. You are not interested in caretaking or coddling; only true equals need apply.
May 10 – Jun 2
Venus moves into Gemini, lighting up love, romance, passion, and fun in your chart. Intelligence is an aphrodisiac and great conversation is perfect foreplay during this transit. If someone doesn’t have what it takes to keep up with you intellectually, they’re not a good fit. That makes it an easy decision. If you make an exception, for whatever reason, enjoy yourself but don’t expect the attraction to last.
Jun 28 – Jul 19
Venus enters Leo, activating marriage, partnership, and commitment. You enjoy being in the spotlight and assume the center of attention belongs to you. And why not? You’re special and for any relationship to last, they need to understand that and treat you accordingly. Nothing good comes from lowering your standards.
Oct 8 – Nov 5
Venus is in Sagittarius, activating friendship, groups, social engagements, and humanitarianism in your chart. Get out of the house and enjoy socializing, just do it safely. Chances are good you’ll meet someone special, especially if you lean into volunteer work and social consciousness.

While there is a focus on yourself this year, your finances are very tied to caring for and nurturing others. Neptune is slowly transiting your second house of money and placing a focus on compassion, empathy, and caring. Creativity and spirituality are also indicated by this transit. If you are in a helping profession your career is most likely thriving. If that’s not the case, look for opportunities that allow you to move in that direction. That doesn’t mean that you need to quit a well-paying job in retail or IT, but you can certainly brainstorm ideas and possibilities for income streams that are directly connected to serving, healing, or helping others. Not only will others benefit, but your level of fulfillment and happiness will increase greatly, allowing you to benefit as well.

Personal Growth/Spirituality
Your spiritual life is your foundation, and it is undergoing a profound change. What you thought you knew is under revision and while that can be scary, it’s absolutely necessary. Keep asking the tough questions and don’t be afraid of the answers. Look deeper than you’ve ever looked before and keep peeling back whatever is covering the hidden truth within a situation or inside a person. Some people are satisfied with the rote, pat answers that religion or teachers provide, but that’s not you. You need to dive deep into something and discover your own answers. Look for others to share them with and that will strengthen them and carry you to ever deeper levels. Dig deep, don’t stop, and light the path as you go.

Making the Best of 2021
A reading with a Career Advice Psychic can help guide you and support you as you find your way to your life’s work and vocation. A reading with a California Psychics Astrologer can give you a window into, and an overview of, your entire life and guide you through the challenges as well as the new paths and directions that are opening to you in 2021.

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