The Year Ahead for Aquarius
Your ruler, Uranus, moves into Gemini and trines your first house of self-identity on July 7. This will infuse you with the energies of freedom, communication, and connection. Despite Uranus retrograding back into the latter degrees of Taurus from November 2025 to late April 2026, these themes will intensify greatly over time. You will feel your personal values begin to sync with societal, technological, and political ideas.
What Aquarius Can Look Forward to in 2025
- A huge outer-planet alignment involving Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto in fire and air signs occurs in early August. These planets move slowly, so this alignment is exact through mid-October. Suddenly you want to feel, communicate, and act upon your values and visions. Humanity will be the beneficiary of your intuitive and cutting-edge ideas.
What Aquarius Should Look Out for in 2025
- Pluto is a heavy-energy planet. It deconstructs and reconstructs, and it affects everyone individually. In your case, Aquarius, it has begun a journey through your house of self-identity. All Pluto transits result in the ultimate creation of something higher and better, but it will be especially intense for you, as it focuses on your core self. Keep your deepest goals in mind and play the long game throughout this powerful process.
Love Predictions for Aquarius in 2025
- Love opportunities could be plentiful with expansive Jupiter in your house of dating and romance. It could get a little confusing with the plethora of choices before you, but explore them one step at a time. Consulting with a Love Psychic could shed more light on the issues that concern you.
- In late July, your seventh house of marriage is highlighted by the sun and is aspected by Venus and Saturn. You may decide to take the next step in an important relationship.
Career Predictions for Aquarius in 2025
- This fall, your career will level up. The sun and Mercury co-present in your career zone from October 22-29 could support offers and negotiations to the table.
- The New Moon in your house of reputation on November 19 is a powerful time for working on new projects. Wait to act until November 27, when the moon’s trine to your first house can help you manifest your goals.
Important Dates for Aquarius in 2025
- July 7: Your ruler, Uranus, changes signs, entering Gemini and your pleasure zone. Expect a surge of ideas, along with a jolt of electricity to your romantic life.
- October 13: Pluto stations direct in your sign, where it trines Uranus and sextiles Neptune. Your vision for your life could be affirmed and given impetus.