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Aries Yearly Horoscope 2022

The Year Ahead
Saturn, the great teacher, continues his journey through Aquarius and your eleventh house of friendship, social engagements, humanitarianism, and long-term life goals. Expect to meet and connect with like-minded people who have similar goals and lifestyles. Collaboration and cooperation are important themes, allowing you to move personal and collective goals and projects forward with skill and know-how. The connections, interests, and pursuits that you have outgrown or no longer match your vibration will fall away, especially during Saturn’s retrograde period from June 4, 2022 – October 23, 2022. You may be tempted to hold onto what feels like it’s slipping away but resist that urge. Instead, realize that just like when you were in school and graduated from junior high to high school, reality changed, you adjusted, and a whole new chapter of your life emerged. This is a similar phenomenon, so have faith and go with the flow.

Spirituality and mystical affairs are highlighted this year as Jupiter, the great benefic enters and enhances your twelfth house. Pursue your spiritual practices and path with commitment and delight and you’ll experience a year unlike any other. Your intuition ramps up and déjà vu experiences become so common that you almost begin to expect them! Try playing with them, especially if you know they are going to unfold in a direction you’re not pleased with. Use your will and intention to interrupt the “story” and take it in a new direction. Reality is fluid for you this year and you have the opportunity to learn how to direct it. You might even consider studying lucid dreaming, as it will bring you many gifts and benefits. Jupiter moves into your first house of self on May 10, remaining there until October 28. Think of this as a golden period; enjoy the ease of being that envelops you during this transit.

This year the ideal times for meeting someone new, or for refreshing and deepening your relationship with your partner are:

Mar 6 – Apr 5
Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and romance joins your ruling planet, Mars, the planet of ambition, drive, and desire, in your eleventh house like a romantic couple embarking on their honeymoon! Whether you are single or coupled, this is a powerful period to join with someone special, with friendship as your foundation, and dive into a cause or life purpose you both share. Love naturally arises from a shared vision.
May 2 – May 28
You are in your power as Venus moves into your first house of self, placing your beauty and attractiveness front and center for the world to experience and admire. Benevolent, spiritual Jupiter joins Venus in your first house on May 10 and amplifies who you are and how you walk in the world. You may feel overwhelmed by the attention you receive during this period, but once you adjust, you’ll enjoy being able to pick and choose from a wide variety of suitors.
Aug 11 – Aug 4
Venus makes her debut in fiery, passionate Leo, activating your fifth house of love and romance, and drawing all eyes to you. Your confidence increases and you enjoy being the center of attention the spotlight shining directly on you. You may not be ready to commit, but you sure are ready to explore connections and possibilities.
Sept 29 – Oct 23
Venus steps into your seventh house of partnership and commitment and the trine to responsible, mature Saturn signals a readiness to take the next step in your relationship. This is the time to build and plan a future for yourself and your beloved and dream a new dream together as a couple. If you’re single, anyone you meet during this period is likely to be a serious relationship and not a fling.

Pluto in Capricorn maintains his residence in your tenth house of career, success, and achievement, going retrograde April 29 – October 8. This is a powerful period of review and reconsideration, and you can expect transformation around anything you’ve outgrown that no longer suits you. Let go graciously and allow yourself to be led to the next right thing. Uranus in Taurus continues to expand your horizons when it comes to money, underscoring the importance of freedom and innovation. He goes retrograde from August 24 until the end of the year, so expect a review of lessons around prosperity, income, and core values.

Personal Growth/Spirituality
Put time, energy, attention, and intention into your spiritual path and practices. It’s easy to be distracted by the outside world, but the real treasures lie within you. Take the time to discover them this year and you’ll also discover that your external world benefits and improves as it reflects your internal growth.

Making the Best of 2022
A Money Psychic can help you make the most of financial opportunities that come your way this year.
A reading with a California Psychics Astrologer can give you a window into, and an overview of, your entire life and guide you through the challenges as well as the new paths and directions that are opening to you in 2022.

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