The Year Ahead for Aries
Consciousness calls, and your mode of activity will shift to interior reflection in 2025. When the moon’s North Node begins its 18-month transit of your zone of the subconscious on January 11, you’ll be drawn to inner work. Dreams, visions, and spiritual development will take center stage, and you could be obsessed with connecting to your Higher Self.
What Aries Can Look Forward to in 2025
- Valentine’s Day looks sweet and lively for Aries. Spicy Venus enters your sign February 4 and stays there through late March. It returns to you on April 30 and stays through the first week of June.
- This summer, expect sweet deals to drop into your lap when Jupiter aligns with the sun on June 24. As this affects your home zone, you could find yourself tending to your nest.
- Finally, you could benefit from an improvement in your or your partner’s finances from November 6-30.
What Aries Should Watch Out for in 2025
- The year opens with your ruler, Mars, retrograde in your zones of home and romance. You might be feeling the doldrums, and you may need to change aspects of your home life and your relationships with your children, if you have them. This could drain a lot of your energy until Mars stations direct on February 23.
- In late summer, Mars forms an opposition to your sun from August 6 through September 22. You may be feeling at cross-purposes with a partner in love or business. Think things through before you speak or act.
Love Predictions for Aries in 2025
- Your love picture is bright and lively due to an abundance of energy from Venus, which is in your sign from February 4 through March 27. An old love could return for another round when it goes retrograde on March 1.
- Love is also spotlighted for your sign from April 30 through June 5, bringing some fiery fun to your first house of self.
- Later in the year, from November 30 to December 24, Venus brings a new connection, especially if you’re away from home and your other usual haunts.
Career Predictions for Aries in 2025
- Late 2025 can bring notable boosts to your career, especially if you lay the groundwork in the months beforehand. From December 4 through mid-January 2026, the sun, Venus, and Mars transit your house of career. Jupiter forms an aspect to this group, which could end the year on a positive note.
Important Dates for Aries in 2025
- March 11: Stationing Mercury conjuncts retrograde Venus in your sign. An important past relationship may resurface as a new possibility!
- December 30: As the year comes to an end, your ruler Mars transits your career zone while sextiling the North Node. Act on career opportunities with confidence!
Read More About Aries