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Cancer November 2021 Monthly Horoscope

Your ruler, the moon has a particularly active month in November. It’s the emotional, intuitive guide that reveals the major relationship events that unfold during this month, culminating in a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in friendly Scorpio on November 19/20. Notice that the challenging events of the month also offer opportunities for unexpected new ways for you to express yourself in the context of love.
The Scorpio New Moon on November 4 opposes Uranus in Taurus, along with some tension with Saturn in Aquarius. The New Moon (sun-moon conjunction) is in your solar fifth house of romance, sports, children, and creativity. This energy offers truly passionate expressions on your part, particularly with Mars in Scorpio at the same time.

There might be some demand for you to consider investments and inheritance, as well as some excitable friends demanding attention. Take care to make sure that you also have a positive outlet for the sexy feelings that you’re experiencing.

On November 11, the moon conjoins Jupiter in Aquarius. Venus continues to view opportunities for romance and finances as she sextiles lover Mars. A friend might become a lover. If you have a partner, social activities might add to the romance.

The moon conjoins Neptune at 20-21 Pisces in a harmonious trine to the sun on November 13. Sharing romantic travel or spiritual pursuits can enhance the day. Challenging, yet exciting ideas are available through the moon conjoining Uranus in Taurus opposing Mars in Scorpio on November 17. After the push and pull of the rapid-fire changes, Venus provides romance and other precious gifts from Capricorn, your partnership sign.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 19-20 opposes the sun that trines Pluto and Capricorn. The sun in Scorpio also trines Neptune in Pisces. All of this brings you in touch with the sense of eternal loving relationships as you see beyond time and matter through the window of the eclipse.

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