As 2017 begins, we are still in the midst of a Mercury retrograde which will end in your twelfth house. Rest and reflect on the year gone by and envision the year ahead. Relax and rejuvenate, especially in the first week of January. Tap into your spiritual side. This year you could really reach your career goals, and for some of you Capricorns, tweaking those goals might be the focus. You’ll probably decide to keep your ambitions to yourself for a while, or at least until you can put some ideas into action. You’ll want to surround yourself with like-minded people and trustworthy friends. Since you’re so good at decluttering, you’ll be able to apply this skill to relationships that are no longer working for you. Here is your Capricorn 2017 horoscope!
Love and Relationships
Venus will retrograde between March 4 and May 15, starting in your fourth house of home and then moving into your house of communications on April 4. Venus’ two favorite subjects are love and money, so aside from making changes in your home decor, you may also find this to be a good time to heal an old relationship with a friend or loved one. Also, your Capricorn 2017 horoscope says it’s not unusual for an old lover to resurface during a Venus retrograde.
When Venus enters your third house of communications, you’ll be taking a closer look at your social relationships. It’s certainly a time where you’ll want to bring more joy, pleasure and lighthearted fun into your friendships. Have a good time. There’s no need to always be so serious.
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will remain in your tenth house of careers through October 10, 2017. Capricorn, you’re feeling accomplished, ambitious and you’re advancing your status in the career world. Your work is being recognized as your goals are being realized, according to your Capricorn 2017 horoscope. This is the kind of planetary position that suits you just fine.
You’ve done the work and reaped some rewards, but just as Jupiter moves out of your career house, Mars moves in between October 23 and December 9, 2017. Though Mars can make you feel even more ambitious and aggressive than usual, it’s best to channel that energy into being a role model for others rather than feeling like you need to eliminate the competition. You get more accolades by having an altruistic attitude; no one says you can’t still reach for the stars.
The eclipses of 2017 will put an emphasis on your finances, Capricorn. Let’s start with the lunar eclipse on February 10 which will focus on your eighth house of other people’s money. This could relate to a business partner, a mortgage, taxes or anything to do with financial agreements you share with others. Dig deep and be aware of what’s happening in any of these areas. And as you delve into your financial world, you’ll also activate the spiritual side of your work. If you feel changes need to be made, this eclipse will focus on that and the energy will last for months to come.
The solar eclipse on February 26 will activate your communications house. Be social, network and form new alliances. Social media can help you get further up on the ladder of success—and with success comes more money.
The August 7 lunar eclipse occurs in your house of cash on hand. Are you being paid what you’re work is worth? Your self-confidence will help you create more wealth and realize your true value.
On August 21, the solar eclipse will shine a light on your eighth house of shared money. Perhaps you’ll take on a partner if the work is becoming too much for one person to handle—that’s good news. This is not the time though to sign agreements or enter into new contracts as Mercury will retrograde in this same house until September 4. Wait until Mercury goes direct, plus three days.
The year begins with a Mercury retrograde in your twelfth house of dreams and spirituality. Hopefully you started the year off slowly and more pensive—perhaps planning the year ahead. However, Saturn in Sagittarius through December 20, 2017 in that same house might have caused you to deal with a lot of external circumstances that changed relationships and made you reflect internally. Saturn is your ruling planet, so it’s good to listen to Saturn here when it urges you to take a rest and reflect on whom you can trust and rely on and whom you cannot. Saturn will be helping you through the year by weeding out hangers-on and other unproductive, unfair relationships.
The final Mercury retrograde between December 3 and 22, comes back into your twelfth house where our first Mercury retrograde was in January—both will put you in a reflective mood, Capricorn. Slow down, relax and let go. Meditate and find time to renew your spirit.