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Capricorn Yearly Horoscope 2023

You’ll find out whether you’ve successfully learned to wield your power wisely when Pluto leaves your sign and enters Aquarius. With Pluto in your house of assets from March 23 through June 11, the consequences of your actions will be visible in matters that involve money and possessions. What transpires will be a preview of what you can expect in the years ahead. Your personal life looks promising with auspicious Jupiter completing a full journey through Aries and your domestic realm, then entering Taurus and your house of romance and recreation. Opportunities for happiness abound!

What You Have To Look Forward To

  • You may get to enjoy a possible move into a bigger or more luxurious home/neighborhood.
  • You could encounter an opportunity to significantly increase your wealth, although it may be extremely risky.
  • Your love life will be more satisfying. You’ll meet a wider variety of potential partners and enjoy improved relationships with your children (if you have them).

What You Should Watch Out For

  • Pessimism can cloud your thinking after your ruler, Saturn, enters Aquarius and your mental realm on March 7. Don’t be a Debbie Downer.
  • More work can mean more stress with just-do-it Mars in your employment and wellness sector through March 25. Prioritize self-care.

Love Predictions

Your love life promises to be more exciting than it’s been in over a decade. You’ll need to get out of your house and your own head to experience this joy.

Important Dates

April 20: The solar eclipse means that you may feel an urgent need to resolve a home or family matter.

May 17: Overreaching can have unintended consequences as Jupiter and Pluto collide. Don’t let arrogance or ambition cause problems.

June 19: A Jupiter-Saturn alignment signals a promising turn of events when it comes to romance, children, or creativity.

Additional Yearly Horoscopes

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