What You Have To Look Forward To
- Look forward to a year of achievement! The year begins and ends with two New Moons in your sign on January 11 and December 30, 2024. You’ll be full of dreams and workable schemes. With your Saturnian realism, they will manifest.
- Pluto finally leaves your solar first house for good on January 22. Your relief will be tangible. Your transformative work has successfully concluded for now.
- Jupiter in Taurus trines your sign through late May, bringing luck and new opportunities. From January 5 through February 14, Mars visits with good old Jupiter casting a beneficial trine. This aspect brings you luck and persistence at work.
What You Should Watch Out For
- Beginning in early June, the planets shift toward consolidation and away from the new and exciting, so make the most of early 2024.
- As you make progress, remember to pay attention to your work.
Astrology Predictions for Your Career in 2024
In mid-September, Mercury in supportive Virgo moves your goals along swiftly. Expect forward movement to resume at some point between September 10 through September 27. Be sure that you revise your projects during Mercury’s August retrograde. From mid-November through early December, you’ll see an upswing in career matters.
Astrology Predictions for Your Love Life in 2024
Love takes a backseat to your career through the early months of the year. However, Venus and Mars cohabiting in your first house from January 24- February 14 make romantic meetings sizzle!
From November 12-December 8, Venus returns to Capricorn for the 2024 holiday season. Mars retrograde in Leo squares Venus there, making it possible for partners to be at cross-purposes in romance. Compromise with each other and come out the winner in love.
Important Dates for Capricorn in 2024
August 16: Your ruler Saturn squares Mars, the cosmic rabble-rouser. Stick to the basics and lie low for a couple of days around this date.
October 2: Prepare for a solar eclipse in your tenth house of reputation and career. Just as you think you’ve made all the progress you can, some new idea might take form. Consider the possibilities!
January 11 and December 30: Two New Moons take place in your sign this year. Dream big on these days, Capricorn!