Saturn, the Great Teacher, as well as your ruling planet, moves into Aquarius and activates your second house of material affairs on March 21. Like any good teacher, he rewards a great work ethic and gives a time-out for mishandling things. You can expect hard work and right effort, when applied to your finances, to bring the kinds of rewards you long for. Messenger Mercury finishes retrograding through your financial affairs and moves into Pisces, highlighting knowledge and learning. Lean into any kind of class, training, or workshop that adds tools to your financial or professional toolbox. And for goodness sakes, with a stellium of planets in Pisces in your third house of communication, listen to your intuition! A reading with a Money Psychic can help you make best use of the financial opportunities coming your way this month.
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Capricorn March 2020 Monthly Money Horoscope
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