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Capricorn November 2021 Monthly Horoscope

This November and December is a perfect time to reconsider the boundaries you’ve set in your relationships and your life. Your ruler, Saturn, turned direct on October 11 at 7 degrees of Aquarius, in Saturn’s other sign of rulership, Aquarius.

It will leave that shadow when it returns to 13 Aquarius on January 10, 2022, when you begin to see real results from your actions. This leaves all of November and December to review and repair your relationships, review personal values, and grow your financial situation. You’re very clear that you’re building your future during this period of great change.

The Scorpio New Moon on November 4 is in direct opposition to Uranus in Taurus, also in a challenging aspect to Saturn. This is likely to be a difficult time for some. At the same time, you’ve had transformational Pluto in your sign for some time and understand that you, your partner’s, and your family’s shared futures require serious attention in these changing times.

This focus will become clearer as Venus enters your sign on November 5, followed by the moon on November 7-8. Seriously consider before giving in to the urge to walk away from a relationship. Be aware that a loved one’s erratic behavior at this time will pass. They may be experiencing something useful for approaching what is coming.

You have the perfect loving words on November 17, when a lover or child is nervous just before the powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19-20 in the final degrees of Taurus. Let them know that while changes may seem overwhelming at this time, they are for a better future in harmony with our mother planet, the Earth.

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