You’ll enjoy August in so many ways—your love life being the most fun of all. On the 6th, Venus, the goddess of love, will travel into your fifth house of fun and playmates. If you’re single, there’s no better time to enjoy flirtations and entertain naughty thoughts. Married couples can use this magic energy to recapture the romantic moments that got you two together in the first place. On the 11th, there’s a New Moon solar eclipse in Leo. The following week, Mercury goes direct in the same house. Your communication skills improve greatly, and you’ll find the right words to say about a sensitive issue. If you’re not in the talking mood, try journaling as a way to express your innermost feelings. If you’re still holding on to notions of a romance gone by, then circle the 12th as your day of awakening. Use the energy of Mars (R) stepping back into practical Capricorn and your eighth house to let go of the past once and for all. Your destiny in love lies ahead of you, not behind you. Consulting a love psychic can help you find your best path forward.
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