Your sign’s ruler, Mercury, remains in friendly Libra until November 5, as you continue to have the perfect words for romance and creative efforts. You also explore exciting ideas to support your spiritual well-being.
During this time Venus, the goddess of love, is nearing the end of Sagittarius with Juno, the mythical wife of Jupiter, in your house of partnerships and marriage. Your relationships demand freedom, balance, and equality for you to feel fulfilled and complete at this time.
The Scorpio New Moon on November 4 is in direct opposition to Uranus in Taurus. This could be a stressful time with people at work or various loved ones handling health issues. Maintain a positive attitude and encourage others with your vision of the future.
After November 5, Mercury is in Scorpio through November 23. There is special activity on November 10-13 as Mercury joins powerful Mars in Scorpio. The moon and Saturn are in difficult aspect from Aquarius, with Uranus also offering a challenging aspect from Taurus. Slow your normally excellent verbal expressions to gain your footing. That includes true thoughtfulness regarding what your new reality is before speaking to those you love.
Your empathetic words with those that you love are truly valuable on November 17-18 as they adapt to the surprises and opportunities offered during the Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19-20. This is a time to take advantage of the “windows between worlds” period around the lunar eclipse.
You have amazing ideas for what’s available in the future. Before sharing them, take a little time to be certain that you don’t over-promise. You’ll have a clearer sense when the moon moves into Gemini shortly after the eclipse and Mercury enters your sign of partnership, Sagittarius, on November 25.