This February you’ll be feeling those feline vibes you love so well, especially while the solar system’s seductress, Venus, occupies your house of relationships until the 10th. There’s no doubt that if you aren’t spending time with an old or new love, you should be. Finding a lion without some sort of playmate should be hard to find in February, especially on Valentine’s Day. After the 10th, Venus, the Goddess of Looking Good, moves into dreamy Pisces in your eighth house of more intimate connections. Could you be getting serious about someone? Perhaps you are; don’t be coy. Pounce on this opportunity if you’re feeling it. For those of you already coupled, this energy is hot as well and with Jupiter in your house of home, you could be making your den a bit more sensuously inviting. Between all the seventh- and eighth-house activities in your chart, the couples’ energy is strong, so use the “roar of attraction,” Leo.
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