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Leo November 2021 Monthly Horoscope

Your ruler, the sun, is in Scorpio through November 21. There is a focus on your home life and parents or parental figures. The moon joins the sun in Scorpio on November 4, and this New Moon period is a truly fruitful one for you. Be prepared for the seeds of new ideas surrounding your future and your relationships to take root during this time.

This New Moon on November 4 is in direct opposition to Uranus in Taurus. This puts the focus on your career, home, parents, your heritage, and your partnerships. Be prepared to deal with surprise situations in these areas that, if handled with love and kindness, will open new opportunities.

Family or work obligations may have you, your partner, or both of you want to go away for some romance. Consider your situation, what’s best for everyone, and realize that you can create romance in any situation with a little bit of creativity.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 20 is in the final degrees of Taurus. The shadow of the Earth blocks the sun’s rays from lighting the entire moon for a period. This is a time to reflect on what in your relationships offers you balance. Your enthusiasm is inspiring but includes a time for reviewing what’s working and what isn’t in your love and home life.

This sets the stage for new, happy energy as the sun enters Sagittarius on November 21-22. Your love life, creativity, and sports-related activities will get a boost from those friendly energies.

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