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Sagittarius November 2021 Monthly Horoscope

Your ruler, Jupiter, has been in direct motion since October 18. After a period of reflection regarding your ideals, and what generosity truly is, you’re enjoying opportunities to break free without breaking up relationships.

During this time, you have positive building aspects with both Venus and marriage goddess, Juno, in Sagittarius and Jupiter’s daughter, Eris, in Aries. In addition to that, Mercury is in a lovely trine from Libra to Jupiter. All of this allows you to build on the foundation you created in your partnerships.

Eris’s interaction with Jupiter was to “roll back time” to correct old mistakes. If there are issues you’ve regretted from the past, this is a great opportunity to share the words of love that can heal yourself and your loved ones to move ahead in a happy, hopeful experience of the future. A likely opportunity could be about marriage or children.

The Scorpio New Moon on November 4 is in direct opposition to Uranus in Taurus. This takes place in your sign’s area of inner fears, secrecy, and illness. Nieces and nephews, pets, and the workplace will offer surprises. Smart, experienced friends can help you tremendously in dealing with these situations. If legal or political advice is needed, look to professionals–attorneys or legislators, depending on your goals–to help you find a resolution.

On November 5-6, Venus leaves your sign to begin its trek through Capricorn on the same day that the moon enters Sagittarius and Mercury enters Scorpio. You will have a strong sense of fate in your deepest feelings for lovers and others as the moon also joins the South Node. Pay close attention to what you learn and sense, since this is tied to the total solar eclipse in Sagittarius, an important time to let in eternal love in whatever form it takes.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19-20 is in the final degrees of Taurus. The sun opposes from Scorpio. You’re on the brink of making a huge difference as the sun enters Sagittarius on November 21-22 joining the South Node. This opens you to expressing love in a form that is timeless, with a feel of soulmate connection.

When Mercury follows the sun into your sign on November 25, listen carefully and kindly to your partner. They may be dealing with a previously unknown sense of loss. This helps you prepare for the solar eclipse in your sign on December 4.

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