Your ruler Venus remains in her sign of detriment, Scorpio, through October 7. You find deep passions within yourself during this time and enjoy the beauty and sexy richness of a few little secrets. The beginning of the month is a time of fiery passion, while at the same time, it’s full of surprises.
The New Moon in Libra at 13-14 Libra is on October 6. This is your sister sign when the sun, moon, and Mars form a quincunx aspect to Uranus in your sign at 13 degrees, which can often provide frustrating circumstances, but they will be short-lived and resolved.
Venus promptly moves into Sagittarius on October 8, where she loves to run free along with the South Node of karmic, past-life relationships. It could well be “déjà vu all over again” for an exciting love relationship that feels like it’s been part of your life beyond time and place.
The Full Moon on October 20 is in late Aries, interacting with Mars and his warrior goddess sister, Eris. This is a pivotal time when you enjoy transformation in your relationships, accept new, unexpected people into your inner circle, and find that everyone benefits in a joyous way.