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Elaine Customer Testimonials


Testimonials (250)

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February 11, 2022
Great reading everytime. She's always on point. My favorite reader. She very knowledgeable and professional. I look forward to reading with you again and again. Thank you for all the clarity on my life.
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April 4, 2016
Great reading! Very positive & helpful.
April 4, 2016
Elaine was the absolute best reading I have ever had! She was very compassionate, patient, and honest. I asked one question and she was able to pin point entire situations based on that one question. Her readings are 100% accurate. I will definitely be calling her again. She's my go to.
March 7, 2016
Wonderful job, wish we could've spoken longer!
January 21, 2016
Elaine is the best reading I ever had. She and I connected very well to a point that I didn't even need to say much. She nails all major points very clearly and gave a lot of advice's on my career and clear precious facts and suggestions. Through our reading she uncovered all the blockages in my current career & confirmed which tactic I should do to handle these challenges. Elaine allowed me to have my Big Idea Light Bulb Shine! THANK YOU!!
January 4, 2016
I am in tears. Elaine was one of the most amazing women I have ever talked to in my life. She picked up on stuff that I didn't even disclose to her. My heart is warm and content and I am excited for all that is ahead! Please call her and let her open up your mind and heart. Your life will be changed forever.
November 2, 2015
Elaine was on the money in her reading with me.  She didn't ask a lot of questions, but had plenty of spot on answers.  Not the answers I wanted perhaps, but quick and to the point.  I would use her again.
September 30, 2015
I truly believe Elaine was able to make contact with my recently deceased husband. His death was sudden and tragic so I had my doubts but she mentioned things that validated there was someone telling her these special things. I cried for hours after our call but I felt his peace which she was able to bring through to me. Thank you Elaine.
May 8, 2015
I really enjoyed how direct Elaine was with my reading. She didn't waste a lot of time dragging out each point. I felt in the small window I had with her all my questions were answered, particularly because she was precise and to the point with the visions she saw.
April 17, 2015
This woman was dead on the money with my entire situation from love to money. She went into detail without me giving her any information regarding the situation.
March 28, 2015
She is real good reader and very accurate.She even was able to describe my love one in detail. How he looks and what he does.I really recommend her. She is great. Thank you Elaine for your honesty.