Amazing!!! One of my top favorites. Very nice and detailed. Compassionate and great reading. Very recommended
Showing Top 10 Relevant Results:
Scarlet, I'm grateful for your patience, gentle kindness and way with words. This is such a struggle. So much all at once, which is nothing new for me, but the circumstances/situations are VERY new. You are helping me build my confidence in these gifts that frustrate and overwhelm me some days. Some days are draining and exhausting. I wait for the day that you say will come where I have a peaceful sense of balance. As always, Thank You & Blessings.
Scarlet - thank you so much for everything. I appreciate you very much. I didn't get a chance to tell you that before we got cut off. I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for you, your insight and your guidance this year. GOD bless you and your compassionate heart.
Dear Scarlet, I feel such a sense of calm after our talk today. With all the things I've been experiencing lately, our talk confirms I'm on the right path with my career, family and love relationship. Thank you for being my "ANGEL" and for standing by me through the thick and thin everything. Sending you much love.
Scarlet, all I can say is thank you for all your patience and for giving me the confidence that everything is unfolding as it should and yes it is. I look forward to spending quality time with my fisherman this week-end and many more week-ends ahead!
Scarlet, I wish you could be my personal mentor on my journey to exploring my gifts. I hope to utilize my gifts in a fabulously comforting way-such as yours, in the future. Your delivery, confidence, compassion and empathic understanding is unlike any other I've ever experienced. You are exceptional! When I'm having struggles I just repeat your words to myself and feel a sense of peace take over. You are truly a blessing to all. Love and light.
Scarlet is amazing and tells you honestly what she sees and does not see. Read with her if you have the chance!
Scarlet, you will never know how much your encouragement to trust my gifts has been. After the key/tent incident and then this whole mess/disaster. The universe handed me the ultimate opportunity, NO TAPE needed for the door. I to put it in his hands.To see him try to keep his smile back made my day and I got a face to face Happy Birthday. Your kindness and patience with me is crucial and appreciated with great amounts of gratitude. Blessings!
You are the long distance best friend that I not only depend on with this roller coaster ride that I am on over a year but I need to hear your reassuring and calming words. From our conversation last nite I still ask each time I hear from him okay tell my why again? This morning when I asked about a restaurant in K he said we're not going for dinner its just coffee. Tact is his middle name. It has now been changed to Fri Nov. 1st. Wish you could be there!
Scarlet is as her name suggests: bold! She will tell you what she sees and exactly how she sees it with compassion and kindness. She is confident in her readings and able to pick up on people with ease. Whatever she read for me is coming to pass now, and I am now looking forward to more of it unfolding. Thank You Scarlet!
Thank you so much! We're back on track. Followed your advice verbatim and I AM going to see him in FL post vacation. Said, "I never said I didn't want to be in a relationship with you. I said let's see if we can move past all of the past and start new when I see you in FL." Progress. Thanks for helping me salvage it.