Amazing!!! One of my top favorites. Very nice and detailed. Compassionate and great reading. Very recommended
Showing Top 10 Relevant Results:
Hooray for having Scarlet here, everyone should read with her to find how great she is. She is so in tune with your feelings she said he is thinking about me but assured her he would not call tonight he did after 10pm. Never has done that and then first thing this morning before getting up but the car ride is still first and foremost which is scary. She has assured me that will change,I am trusting her. He did say we should plan on meeting soon.
Scarlet was so helpful to me regarding my GF who needed "time and space." She was very insightful and reassuring that we would be seeing each other to which I was highly skeptical and nervous. We did end up going out that night she said we would and as Scarlett said her energy had been shifting and it really had - a lot for that matter. We are back on track and feel like would have surely have given up had it not been for Scarlet! Thanks!!
Quite honestly Scarlet, I had been waiting for another psychic to call me, and then she clocked out for the night. Since I was obsessing about a matter at hand, I desperately searched through the list of available psychics and came across you. Thank God! You not only gave me complete clarity of the situation at hand, you calmed my wild thinking patterns! Thank you so much! I will let you know if your predictions come true! (I do hope so!)
Scarlet, I have to let you know things are still going well with my fisherman. So far he has contacted me every day and embracing the fact I get to hear his voice each day. Tonight he came over and we were light and full of laughter nothing more than that. It was wonderful! So happy where I am right now with this man in my life. Like you said, he is so going to be worth every bit of the wait.
Scarlett, once again thank you for being there for me and reassuring me that I am on track with the man (fisherman) of my life. He is definitely worth waiting for and love him for who he is. Embracing the journey.
Scarlett, I was pleased to let you know that my love interest did end up connecting with me like you said he would. Thank you for reassuring me the universe is at working to bring us closer together. I feel very optimistic all will unfold as it should between us. Beneath all the fears he and I are experiencing right now, I see many good qualities about this man and know in my heart he is well worth the wait. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Scarlet is a joy. She is soothing to the soul. I'm looking forward to all the good things she sees for me with the man I called about. Thank you!
Hey Scarlet! I've been meaning to call you, I usually call regarding an Adam. I saw Adam Monday and he messaged me twice last week. I have a bad feeling about our time Monday, I was a little shy. There's another girl in the picture that I need to ask you about! Hopefully ill get to talk to you soon when i get the funds! Call Scarlet!! Truly blessed! You will NOT be disappointed!
There are not enough words to describe how absolutely wonderful, caring and supportive Scarlet is. I am someone who needs a great deal of reassurance and she never disappoints me, she does not tell you just what you want to hear but tells you what is genuine and true both to and for you. Scarlet, thank you does not seem to be enough to make you know how much you have helped me, but I send much gratitude for all you have done for me.
Scarlet is great! She is pretty on with timing and definitely provides very solid explanation of things. She does remember you from a previous reading too which is good. She is a delight to talk to. I really enjoy chatting with her. She always makes me feel so much better and clearer after my readings with her. Thank you!