Amazing!!! One of my top favorites. Very nice and detailed. Compassionate and great reading. Very recommended
Showing Top 10 Relevant Results:
Yet again, you were right. Someone was talking trash about me to my ex. He called today to end it but it was like was reading a script. I calmly told him to buzz off, not accepting what he was offering (like you said) and bam! He called me back and told me the person you said gave him advice to stay away from me. BINGO!
I have been reading with Scarlet for over a year, and not only has everything she predicted thus far come true, she is also incredibly kind, empathic, and an amazing human being. Scarlet is a truly amazing, gifted, and kind woman and I am incredibly thankful for her!
Scarlet is great. She has been very accurate about a relationship problem. A man I loved very much decided 8 months ago not to see me anymore. He and I stayed friends and I always hoped we would get back together. Scarlet never let me give up. She was accurate with everything she told me. He and I are easing back into a relationship again.
I think she is the best and very kind. She taught me to believe in this relationship and it worked.
Predicted that while my ex was on a cruise he'd be very respectful of what we share by telling people how he felt about me when encouraged to notice other women, that they'd be blown away at deep feelings. I got a call afterwards, "He's in love with you! We pointed out a woman was interested in your ex and he said to us, "I don't know where it's going with Cathy but out of respect for her, I'm not going to hook up with anyone on this cruise" WOW.
I have had several readings with Scarlet over the past few months. Yesterday I was very upset and stressed and wasn't even able to ask my questions clearly, but SHE was able to interpret them and clarify them for me. I love that she could tap into what I was feeling and verbalize it for me even when I was not able to. She made me feel comfortable and gave me hope.
It is always a tremendous pleasure to read with Scarlet and see that things are finally coming to fruition. We have been reading together for a year and she has been consistent throughout. Slow and steady wins the race and finally my race will be coming to an end. Love this woman and she is always honest and true.
Scarlet, You are awesome! I feel so glad to have your help and guidance you are so loving and understanding and such an advocate for my honey. I want you to be clear that I won't walk away. I will be patient. I have finally let go and have accepted this is not about me right now I will be able to be happy while I wait. I was just frustrated, I'm never throwing the towel in. Thanks, Robin.
Wonderful. Very accurate and most importantly honest. Thanks for a great connection! Time will tell.
Scarlet & only one other predicted that a woman I had been worried about who was after my boyfriend already HAD a new target. I didn't believe her based on how this woman behaves. My jaw dropped when I spoke to this woman and she apologized to me for flirting so much with my boyfriend and showed me a picture of her new love interest. I'm completely impressed with Scarlet's ability to see what most cannot.
Scarlet nailed my weekend. Had an argument with my ex boyfriend before a weekend trip. She predicted he wouldn't contact me, would just wait to see me at the event; he'd use another girl to get me jealous; we wouldn't have resolution; that he's worried I will start sleeping around now that we're not together BUT the sparks would be there and I'd have a choice to be romantic with him if I wanted to. It all unfolded EXACTLY as she predicted.