This reader certainly had the time of her life in this powerful dream…
Cristina from Vancouver, Canada writes:
My dream is about meeting and dancing with actor Patrick Swayze. As a person, he fulfills all my ideals as a mate. What’s more, we really “click” and have fun together. He makes me feel special, more so than any other man – ever! Then I wake up and he’s gone…
Hello Cristina,
I can so picture you being swept across the dance floor by Patrick Swayze. That would be a hard act for any “real” man to follow, for sure! Swayze, who starred in the hit film Dirty Dancing, probably had some qualities that your lovers have lacked. Have your past relationships lacked this fun-loving affinity? Have they been been so dragged down by conflicts that the joy between you disappeared? Or maybe they were just plain dull, which prompted a captivating dance with a fantasy figure.
On the other hand, Swayze could be your inner muse making an appearance. He could represent the part of you that feels joy when expressing your creativity (in real life, Swayze was a Leo, the sign of creativity). Perhaps it’s time to step onto the stage of life and dance to the music of your heart.
Sweet dreams,
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