Red Responds: She Lost Her Mother’s Ring

Barb in Freeville writes:

I lost my mother’s ring with my kid’s birthstones in it and I was just wondering if you could possibly help me find it? I know I am probably asking way too much but I’m heart broken because of it. Thank you!

Dear Barb,

It is not uncommon to contact a psychic for help in finding a lost object, but, I will admit that this area of expertise is not one of my strongest points. I have had some successes with helping people find things, but those occurrences have happened when I have had the client on the phone. I’ll give it my best shot – but if this does not prove to be fruitful, I recommend that you call one of our psychics who specialize in finding lost objects. You may want to call Linda at ext. 4497 or Arianna at ext. 9166. These are just a few of our psychics who specialize in finding lost objects. You can always call customer service at 1-800-573-4784 for a recommendation. The team knows us, and they have an uncanny knack for connecting clients to the “right” psychic.

Okay. Here goes! The last time you had worn the ring, you had taken it off – most likely to wash your hands. It seems as if it lay on, or by, a bathroom sink for a few days before you had decided to put it in a safer location.

I see your ring down low, on the floor, by the leg of a piece of furniture. I’m not sure what piece of furniture – it could be a sofa or a stand of some kind. I’m not seeing the whole piece of furniture. What I am seeing is an attached leg of the furniture – approximately four inches high, and, it is a tapered piece of wood that is wider at the top and thins slightly toward the foot. The wood is stained a medium shade of brown, and has a curving scratch in the finish. The area is carpeted -either green or gray.

That’s really all I’m getting. Even though I’m working at a disadvantage, I’m certain you will find it -either in three days, weeks or months.

While I do hope this helps you, and of course I hope I’m right – I also have no illusions about my abilities. If this doesn’t lead you to your heart’s desire, call a specialist. That is honestly your best bet.

Hope you find it!
Ext. 9226

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