Sexy Virgo Guys

Sensual, smart and a little mysterious, Virgo guys are some of the sexiest creatures on the planet. Richard Gere, Lance Armstrong, Hugh Grant, Keanu Reeves, Sean Connery, Charlie Sheen and Tommy Lee Jones are excellent examples of the virile Virgo man.

So what makes them so attractive? Virgos have an aura of self-control that makes them seem unattainable – and deliciously intriguing. They have high standards, and can be impatient with people and situations that don’t live up to their expectations. Naturally, they have a reputation for being critical, judgmental or just plain difficult. But these qualities seem to make them even more desirable. Who can resist the allure of someone so perfect (at least on the outside)?

Virgo is also the sign of service. People born under this sign often pursue activities that help others. They can also be a little bit twisted (think KISS rocker Gene Simmons, and comedians Bill Murray and Jack Black). But for now, we’ll focus on the enticing side of Virgo. So let’s explore the charts of Gere, Armstrong and Grant to see what lies beneath the surface.

Richard Gere (August 31, 1949)
Not surprising, Gere became a worldwide sex symbol after starring in the 1980 film American Gigolo. He went on to star in such hits as An Officer and a Gentleman (1982), Pretty Woman (1990) and Chicago (2002). But this Virgo isn’t just another handsome face in Hollywood. With Sun conjunct Saturn, the planet of duty, he takes service very seriously. He’s a practicing Buddhist, and a supporter of the Tibetan Independence Movement, among other causes. He co-founded Tibet House to help preserve Tibet’s cultural history. His dedication to human rights comes from Mercury, Venus and Neptune in Libra, the sign of balance and justice. Moon in Sagittarius suggests that the world is his stage, although Mars in Cancer gives him a family focus as well. One of his main challenges is being impatient with the foibles of others.

As for romance, Venus conjunct Neptune gives him an aura of refinement – and plenty of charm. He needs a woman who is a true partner, but the Neptune influence can make him overly idealistic. Gere was married to supermodel Cindy Crawford from 1991-1995. He married actress Carey Lowell in 2002, and they share a devotion to Buddhism and humanitarian causes.

Lance Armstrong (September 18, 1971)
With Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto in Virgo, this outstanding racing cyclist is a true perfectionist. Sun conjunct Pluto says he’s intensely focused, even driven. He’s also highly analytical. Because Virgo rules health, and Pluto rules death and transformation, this influence was responsible for Armstrong’s battle with – and triumph over – testicular cancer when he was only in his mid-20s. Astonishingly, he went on to win the Tour de France seven consecutive times.

Like Gere, Armstrong has Venus in Libra, indicating a love of beauty, including beautiful women. He is divorced from Kristin Richard (who he has three children with), and was engaged for a short time to singer Sheryl Crow and dated Olsen twin Ashley after that. He is currently involved with Anna Hansen, who gave birth to their baby boy on June 4, 2009.

As for the bedroom, Mars in Aquarius says he has a fondness for the unorthodox. He’s also rebellious, and he doesn’t like to be tied down. A grand Air Trine involving Mars in Aquarius, Saturn in Gemini and Uranus in Libra makes him brainy and innovative. Communication is important to Armstrong, especially in relationships. His chart lacks the element of Water, which means he’s more comfortable with thoughts rather than feelings. Still, his heart is reflected in the Lance Armstrong Foundation, which funds cancer research and provides education and advocacy for cancer patients.

Hugh Grant (September 6, 1960)
This charming Brit is a natural leading man for romantic comedies. Hit films like Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994), Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001 and 2004) and Love Actually (2003), among others, were the perfect vehicles for his dry wit, a Virgo trademark. Moon in Taurus gives him an extra dose of sensuality. He’s down-to-earth, practical and direct. Venus in Libra and Mars in Gemini, both Air signs, add to his humor and brainpower. He was involved with actress/model Elizabeth Hurley for 13 years before the couple split in 2000. While involved with Hurley in 1995, Grant made the tabloids when he was caught with a prostitute in Hollywood and arrested for lewd conduct in a public place. He appeared shortly thereafter on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno to talk about the incident, a straightforward approach very typical of a Virgo.

Clearly, romance has been a bumpy road for Grant. Venus square Saturn may be responsible for that. Not believing that you deserve love can be an issue, along with a fear of opening up your heart. But Venus in Libra indicates a natural partner, so perhaps this bachelor will find – and keep – true love in the not-so-distant future.

Charismatic, brainy and caring can be an irresistible combination – so it’s no wonder we’re captivated by the Virgo man!

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