Daily Draw: 4 of Pentacles

Hard work pays off!

The 4 of Pentacles card arises when you have gained great financial security. This card indicates good judgment in business matters and shows that you work hard for your money. However, although you have a good head on your shoulders financially, you may be too conservative or miserly because you fear taking a risk. The man on the card sits with 4 pentacles which represent his material wealth. His back is to the city where he lives and works indicating that he is keeping his wealth close.

If you asked about relationships, the 4 of Pentacles warns that material interests could be blocking your growth and therefore stunting your relationships.

On the flip side, if this card appears reversed in a spread, it represents difficulty spending wisely, saving money or balancing your budget.

Delays may also occur that could shake your financial security. Unanticipated extra costs may put you behind. While these troubles could be weighing heavily on your mind, letting go of what you have to will ease your thoughts and put you back on track.

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