Your Numerology Forecast: Ease Into December

Try to take most of this first week to ease into December. By week’s end, it’ll be easy to feel the universal energies shift from the focused intensity that has recently reigned to the freedom-loving 5 which rules this month. While its influence may be helpful for merchants, the impractical and impulsive combination of a 5 Universal Month in an 1 1/2 Universal year could wreak havoc with personal pocketbooks. If you soften 5’s urge to break free and be outrageous with the traditional generosity and kindness of the holidays, it can be a lighthearted, enjoyable month.

Monday – Let breakout astrological energies peaking tomorrow combine with this 7 day to inspire innovative thinking.

Tuesday – The electrical shift to a 5 month is amped up by powerful astrology, namely today’s Full Moon, with planet Uranus changing to direct motion. Good thing this 6 Day brings us together to talk it all out with friends and family.

Wednesday – In the perfect completion of a cycle, this week’s second 7 Day is an opportunity to gather up all the amazing, out-of-the-box ideas and add finishing touches.

Thursday – Today’s 8 energy steps up to “make it so,” whether it’s a family dinner or the launch of a new corporate image. But when the table is set and the food is ready, put away that Blackberry and turn off the phone, or you may not make time to enjoy yourself.

Friday – TGIF! Not only is it the end of the week, but many of the issues and challenges which have arisen in the past 3 to 4 weeks should begin to be resolved under the influence of 9 today.

Saturday – Feel the difference? You’re probably lighter, brighter and more hopeful today as 10/1 (1+0=1) energies slip us easily into a holiday-making mood for the weekend.

Sunday – Careful… this 1 1/2 Day in a 5 Month in a 1 1/2 Year could make you pretty spacey. Use your money and other resources cautiously today. Dream instead! It’s fun — and safer!

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