Moon in Aries Brings Conflict

A conflict between what you want for yourself and the needs of your partner may be on your mind today. That’s because Moon in Aries brings out your individuality, while Venus and Mars in Libra are all about relationships and compromise. If you’re solo, you might want to think about what you absolutely need in a relationship in order to be fulfilled, and what you’re willing to compromise on. Meditation and journaling can help you get in touch with your feelings. However, if Moon in Aries is making you too restless to sit still, thinking about your life while doing something physical, like taking a walk, can be an effective way to gain insights. Moon in Aries can also bring up some anger, especially if it pertains to an old issue that needs to be resolved.

So for today, do some soul-searching about your relationship needs and where you’re willing to compromise.

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7 thoughts on “Moon in Aries Brings Conflict

  1. Robert

    I was born with my first 4 plant it’s all in aires t I’m a aires whatch out surgery 2 day we will c how I am but I like this comment stuf I wiill b in touch later nthe first thing I did think 2 dy was exercising today c u soon BoB

  2. yeshua

    DC / I am not sure If I got you right , Are you grieving over an old love affair that you lost and the person you’re in love with is the one who broke up with you ?
    If So .. And if the break up happened in a recent time . Another new relationship is certainly NOT the answer to your problem , because You have to go through time alone with out any new partners in order for your emotions to heal from the disappointment . ( You can get some time listening to Music If U like and If U feel sad about something it’s okay to let it out and not ignore it or keep it to harbour bad feelings within you. Get sad. You can walk somewhat long distance and listen to music. U can then after 4 days or so go jogging or start occupying your self with obligations that are important for you to get busy . Busy = no thinking . but i suggest u do that after giving enough time for ur self to cry your lose .

    if you have the power and the intention to help your self , it will take from 1 or 2 weeks until you get your self back again .

    You have to throw away all the presents or letters or saved msgs from that someone .
    all what belongs to her you have to get rid of . so u dont remember .

    If the break up has happened long time a go . you can take all the positive things that you were in that relationship and be happy that you did this and that and not this n that.
    and take all the bad things that happened to admit to your self that you need to take all these negative and turn it into positive and invest it in trying new things and having the intention to forget and forgive within you .

    if the relation is old like i said and if it is okay to call that partner .
    try to be couragous enough and dial her number . not to try to get her back or anything.
    just to prove to your self that you can live just fine with out this person .
    ask her that u thought of her in a good way and u wanted to JUST say Hello after all this time. because you appreciate the good experience you both has with each others.
    do not ask her out or try to build the relationship no matter what
    just be honest to her and tell what u feel and what ure looking for to achieve from the phone call and i presume if u did it right she will understand and will want to help u aswell

    finally. if it gets harder for u to get over it . Move to another place for a certain period of time and meet complete new people and go into new adventures like swiming climbing diving visiting countries etc.

  3. Mo

    DC I think you should just let it go ad not contact tht person again. Continue to pay bout it and appy the serenty prayers to this situation. Peace and Blessings

  4. Juan

    CD ; I’m aspiritual Healer. and what I see that there are still some, enrgy left over we call them cords Attached to your Heart Chackra. you need to get that clear. trhough a Healing or two times. Juan’s

  5. DC

    There is definitely something going on with EVERYTHING: SPIRIT, PSYCHE, NUMEROLOGICALLY, INTUITION,ANXIETY, FEAR……..

    For some reason, I have not been able to stop thinking daily (obsessed) with an old
    relationship that I got in touch with…through the suggestion of associates she asked not to contact her again……however, I’ve got this thing going on in my chest, stomach and mind that will not leave me alone. I have prayed, tried to reason with the stars and have reviewed (to some extent) this whole thing with my significant other/wife. I really don’t know what’s
    going on; but, it’s starting to worry me….besides going to visit someone in the mental field; is there anything going on I need to brace myself for?????? Please offer me some form of
    reassurance or consolation if you can………..thank you, Crazy about the past!


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