What the Heck Is Intuition?

Are You Intuitive? What is Intuition? How Do You Know if You Have It?

Intuition is the little voice inside us that guides us and tells us what is right for us to do. We are all intuitive by nature, but you can develop your intuitive gifts further, if you want to do so.

One of the first steps in developing your intuition is simply to acknowledge that the ability is there and that you can develop it. Yes, it is that simple! Until you make that acknowledgment, you will find yourself stymied. Your own self-doubt gets in the way of you accomplishing things and will definitely keep you from developing or trusting in your own ability.

When I first started doing intuitive sessions for others, my own doubt kept interfering with my ability to do the best job I could. I decided to do two things at the time: work on developing my intuition and work on accepting what I was seeing. You can also work through your doubts. Get personalized advice, contact a psychic today!

If you think about it, you’ve probably had a spontaneous, intuitive experience. Do you think of someone you haven’t seen in a long time and then you hear from or run into this person? Do you think of a song and turn on the radio and it’s playing? You may have had experiences like this and thought nothing of them. They are, however, natural, spontaneous expressions of intuition. For some of us, intuition is more readily accessible or closer to the surface than for others. I’ve always felt that there was a strong link between intuitive ability and creative or artistic ability. If you tend to be very analytical and linear in your thinking, it is possible you have buried your intuitive abilities under layers of logic. One is not better than the other, it simply means the more creative person may be more consciously intuitive or more easily intuitive.

Yes, some of us more easily access our intuition. These people may be more open and less closed down or rigid than others. People who are more naturally intuitive may also just pay more attention to subtle things. They are just more attuned to information coming in to them.

Logic and analytical thought are about actively probing for information—looking for answers “out there.” The active, left-brain logical mode is what we are normally in. It is how we learn to think in school. It is encouraged to be used as a way of solving problems and negotiating our way through life. Our intuition operates differently. Using it is drummed out of us as we are educated. Many of us were told by teachers to “stop daydreaming” in school, but daydreaming is one way children naturally tune into their intuition.

True intuition is also very clear and not colored by emotional needs, wants or fears. For most, it takes a bit of practice to learn to trust it: a little bit each day adds up. Keep a small notebook with you, and make one or two word notes when you get a feeling about something. Later on, when it comes true, you can check it against your notes and begin to build some evidence you have it and can trust it. Soon, you won’t even need the notebook anymore!

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Need help gaining access to your  intuition? Talk to a psychic and get the help you need. Call 1.800.573.4830 or choose your psychic now.

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