Psychic Aida: Honoring Yourself

Psychic Aida ext. 5387 Shares Her Success

Aida invokes a network of guides, including your own, to provide her with the messages you want and need to receive. Initially, she uses her tarot cards to connect with you, then receives impressions and channels information. The tone of her voice and inflections may change as she channels. Her guidance is based on karma and meant to inspire spiritual growth. Aida believes readings are designed to get you in touch with what’s going on within you, as well as around you so you are able to make decisions that assist you in achieving your goals. She is a no tools reader, but can use tarot upon request.

We sat down to talk with her, and she shared some great wisdom!

How did she start out as a psychic?

“I’ve been psychic my whole life. I had experiences as a child, but shut down because of the fear my family had about it. I actively started on the spiritual path in my late teens, started reading everything, and then went to college—that was when I was introduced to Edgar Cayce, automatic handwriting, looking at people who passed on but didn’t leave, having experiences like that. And it started that way, looking into past lives and karma. My college years were great for getting a degree, but also having the time and energy and resources to learn about what was going on in the world. From that point on I started being able to read for people, doing past life regressions, and so on. Probably 30 years ago I learned to read tarot cards, and that became a wonderful focus for readings for people. I did channeling for people, energy work I’m always trying to grow and expand more.”

What are some of her notable success stories?

“One in particular, I had a woman who called me last September, she and her boyfriend had broken up. They’d talked about moving in together, and she had said to him ‘I have to sell my house first.’ He went into complete fear and said, ‘Fine, it’s over.’ I could see it wasn’t over between them, I could see his fear and trepidation and I started working with her on doing her own energy work, as far as connecting with him heart chakra to heart chakra, with their higher selves. She would call and we did some of that together. Her guides would give her an assignment, what to do, what she should be saying to him, emotions to convey. It was clear he was coming back. I said ‘I see the two of you together again by Thanksgiving.’ Interestingly enough, he called her Thanksgiving morning and they spent the weekend together, and they’ve been together ever since. She’s very happy.

“Another woman called who was beside herself about a work situation and felt helpless about it. I suggested to her that she had a lot more power than she thought. I recommended she go to Human Resources and talk to them about the situation. I felt that the direct supervisor would be reprimanded; somebody was going to lose their job about the situation. She called and said she had gone to HR, felt supported, was taken away from that supervisor and put elsewhere. The VP in charge of that supervisor lost his job, and that freed her up to do some other things. It stayed a sticky situation. She called for updates, and I was able to help her and guide her to a place where she was in a position of power, she was able to get the recognition she was looking for. She was ready to leave that job, and got some leads very clearly about what kind of situation she should be looking for, and she’s now happily working someplace else. I commend her on her courage on going to HR in the first place, she said ‘I wouldn’t have done it if you hadn’t suggested it.’

“I had a woman who was married but not sure if she should stay in the marriage. There was another man she was interested in. She had four kids. She was also very spiritual, in touch with her own guides, but didn’t have clarity. I read for her a number of times; she just called me today and said ‘I finally had a breakthrough based on the last session, I filed for divorce, I felt like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders.’ She said that she felt her relationship with her husband is better now than it has been in a long time. They weren’t meant to be together.”

What would she most like people to realize?

“I think that what I would like people to know is that your time on earth is a journey of self, discovering the self and who you are and being true and honest and genuine. Shakespeare said: ‘This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.’ We would all be happier realizing that our spiritual journey is not selfish, it’s honoring who we are as sparks of the godhead.”

What can Aida ext. 5387 see for you?

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One thought on “Psychic Aida: Honoring Yourself

  1. Josephine Aikodon

    hv sept side from marriage since Mya 17 2003 with my two boy and girl, the man hv marry august that year without a child till today


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