Your Weekend Forecast for September 7 – 9, 2012

Ideas Will Rain From the Stars

It was a very grounding week preparing all the signs for a fun-filled weekend. As the Moon shifts from Taurus to Gemini on Friday, the air is full of a multitude of thoughts; it is as if ideas are raining down from the stars. It is a great weekend to get those thoughts activated, take on big projects and have some fun accomplishing more than one goal.


All your engines are running in full gear. You’re pretty much ready for anything that comes your way. Bright ideas manifest for you as you carry out the designs for a new environment, be it an addition to your home, rearranging your garage or both.


Feeling the need to take it easy does not sit well with you, although the time to relax will give your thought process a chance to evaluate what needs to be done on the home front. This gives you a leg up on chores. Relax first, then get busy.


Loved ones are flying in for a brief visit. There will be a lot to do to prepare for this happy occasion. The four days that your guests will be with you should turn out splendid. There will be lots of good conversation, laughing and sharing.


Taking on new projects brings a very exciting vibration to your weekend. There is music in the air, and you’re feeling full of love. Ask out the new person you’re interested in—it will be worth it.


Feeling like the lion in the Wizard of Oz puts a smirk on your face. Friends are pushing you a little too hard to move forward, and they seem to be picking on you. Although all this fussing can be annoying, you’re the center of attention and the song “With a Little Help From My Friends” sounds happy to your heart.


Well, we’re sure feeling good this weekend. All systems are a go as you head out the door for one of the most exciting weekends you’ve had in a long time. There will be many activities to keep you busy both day and night. Make sure all your communications are in order.


Oh, lovely Libra, this weekend you’ll have to have faith as people come to mind that you miss and aren’t sure you’ll ever seeing again. It’s time to call the numbers you have stashed away, and if they no longer work, do a search for those that were once near and dear to you.


There is a lighthearted energy this weekend that you find easy to embrace. Finishing first in a competition is likely or a good bet could come to fruition. This will be a very active weekend for you. Pacing yourself is important so that you can fully enjoy it.


You are blazing this weekend. Your passion for the arts runs high as you create a master piece of work be it on canvas or writing. If you are having a hard time calming down, try a chakra sound for meditation to get you grounded.


Your love of dogs (and all animals) is front and center this weekend. There is a short trip where you get to play with and feed horses. The number five is a standout number this weekend as you round up your crew for a big grooming day. Sunday you will be able to relax and unwind with beautiful thoughts dancing in your head.


If you could be on another planet this weekend, you would be gone. It seems that everything is spinning so fast, and your usual laid-back attitude is muted by the high frequency. Put in your ear buds, get your walking shoes on and take to a nearby track. Walking off the energy will give you a peaceful feeling.


As you wrap yourself around the earthy vibrations of this weekend, you find a sense of peace. Defining your spiritual path and sharing your thoughts with loved ones makes this a wonderful weekend of discovery, not only for you but also for those who are exposed to you.

10 thoughts on “Your Weekend Forecast for September 7 – 9, 2012

  1. bRENDA

    I’m crazy about a guy and he a taurus really can’t stop thinking of him but really has nothing to offer me right now and I’m a virgo should I go for him are the one that birthday is in Sept 3. which he is alittle boring and don’t really turn me on that much.

  2. gemini

    Hi! Quinn, thank you for the weekend forcast. Don’t know of any family visiting or flying in.
    But, this dating is driving me nuts. Have 3 guys interested in me but, I feel only one
    I can see a future with but, others one can afford me and the other still trying to figure out.

  3. Kimberly Eubanks

    That must be such a hard, sad, scary life. Pakistan is no place anymore for peace loving human beings to live. In my mind especially the women and children. I pray that this young lady does not find false hope in her horoscopes. I urge all readers, bloggers and psychics alike to send there prayers of hope and love to this young woman, maybe she can help others if guided with good intent. We cannot change the world, but we can help each other change. Love and blessings, Kimberly
    I too could use healing energy, lots of it. Im trying to use what i know i have but have never been taught to hear. Help would be lovely. Only medium psychics i have met unfortunately were frauds. I could read them.

  4. -quinn ext.5484

    happy weekend my blogger friends. so good of you all to post your comments.
    i will keep all your questions for betterment in my prayers –
    kathy, LJ, jawed, dhruva, maryann – hugs to you all.
    buddha bless,

  5. Dhruva Dilip Appaih

    I am on the lookout for a new job as I am very dis-satisfied with the present one. Will I get a better Job opportunity?

  6. jawed khan

    HI there,
    Thanks for sending my prediction,could you please let me know when I will be successful
    and able to move a batter please,where Law & order position will be good.Now I live in Pakistan life is not safe & it make me crazy.I have being trying to move out from here since for the last Three Yrs.
    with Regards,jawed


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