Psychic Reed: Go Get the Love You Deserve

Take Back Your Power!

Most of my callers are women. They are beautiful, dynamic, intelligent, sexy, adventurous, adorable and they have the energy of the great Goddess flowing through them—they just don’t know it. They wield the power of reproduction, seduction, mysticism and all the strength of the great Gaia—but they sometimes lose connection with that. They have the same feminine power that has, throughout history, launched ships, sent empires to war and altered the course of human history forever—but they have forgotten it. They give life and birth to the vast and mysterious universe, then they sit around waiting for some loser to call them on a Saturday night.

In a world of patriarchy, with airbrushed supermodels, and media-enforced insecurity, it can be easy to lose the knowledge, the connection with and even the memory of Aphrodite, Sappho, Joan of Arc and Mother Mary. The good news is that it can be reclaimed!

Ladies! Take back your power!

This will call for change. In the big picture, it really isn’t a “change” so much as it is a return to what was lost or forgotten. On an individual level, it will call for change—a change in how you view yourself—and if you want something different than what you have always had, you must do something different than what you have always done.

February, the month of love, is upon us. Don’t let some little voice in your head convince you that you can’t love yourself until someone else loves you. It’s actually just the opposite. We constantly teach others how to treat us, and if we don’t deeply love and respect ourselves, we will, in ways great and small, send the message that others don’t need to love or respect us either.

If you are alone now, then as the song says, “Love the one you’re with.” The truth is that you must love yourself to be happy and whole. Forget the tired old New Year’s resolutions if they aren’t serving you. Make this your year. Set your goals toward getting in touch with the incredible feminine power inside of you. When you do make that connection, it will shine through and light the path to the right Mr. Right.

Remember that men (and women too!) are attracted to power, adventure and beauty—and these are your very essence.

8 thoughts on “Psychic Reed: Go Get the Love You Deserve

  1. mary

    reed, this is great. I have talked to you about frank for years, and now it looks as if it is over for good. I lost my power, I gave it to him, and I think that that is what ended it. I turned into such a wimp, I was so afraid of losing him I let him have control and that was no good for me at all. if he couldn’t handle the person that I was when I met him, I should have stayed the way I was, and then this wouldn’t have gone on for so long, and who knows, the real mr right might have been in my life now. better late than never. you are awesome.

  2. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Reed,

    Sweetie, you NEED to treat us ladies more often by writing more of these types of articles !!!!

    Well done !!!!

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  3. quinn ext. 5484

    hi Psychic Reed,
    in a song –

    I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone’s shadows
    If I fail, if I succeed
    At least I’ll live as I believe
    No matter what they take from me
    They can’t take away my dignity
    Because the greatest love of all
    Is happening to me
    I found the greatest love of all
    Inside of me
    The greatest love of all
    Is easy to achieve
    Learning to love yourself
    It is the greatest love of all

    live it love it be it…

  4. Nancy

    Wow!! That was beautifully said Reed. You are so right. When we women feel good about ourselves the whole world seems like a new place. Thanks for the reminder to be happy, be beautiful and grab every great thing life sends our way.

  5. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Splendid article, Reed, best darn article I’ve read in awhile !!!

    ” They wield the power of reproduction, seduction, mysticism and all the strength of the great Gaia—but they sometimes lose connection with that. They have the same feminine power that has, throughout history, launched ships, sent empires to war and altered the course of human history forever ”

    Love the above quote from your article, Reed…..SO TRUE !

    I agree….ladies, Goddesses, take BACK your power !!!!

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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