Your March Astrology

Happy Birthday Pisces and Aries Natives!

Welcome to March! March starts off at a fairly easy pace with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Neptune all in Pisces. Pisces is associated with inspiration, sensitivity, mysticism, and destiny. The time has come for you to slow down, gather strength, and get in touch with your spiritual nature. This can be a pleasant period, as planets in Pisces often bring gentle, dreamy, compassionate behavior. Any Pisces transit can enhance imagination, intuition and psychic abilities.

However, if you sense that you are becoming reclusive or escapist, you need to maintain a positive attitude. You have to stay grounded in reality. Mercury is still moving in retrograde motion in Pisces (and will be until March 17), so words can have sharp edges now. Tempers are quick and the intellect is very keen. You have to be patient while Mercury and Saturn are both retrograde as errors, delays, setbacks and misunderstandings can occur. There is a strong desire to communicate, so take a few deep breaths and relax before speaking. Be as clear as possible when speaking or writing. Examine documents for mistakes. You may be too intent on getting your own opinion across. Exercise a bit of tact and try to understand your listener’s position. For some, this can be a good time to explore feelings about past relationships and for others, it would be wise to remember that people are much more emotional now. Words and actions have more influence than usual.

The March 11 New Moon in Pisces sets the tone for the two weeks that follow. During this time you can rest, do quiet activities, and figure out what your next move should be. Things start to happen when Mars enters Aries on March 12 followed by the Sun on the 20th and Venus on the 21st. This triple whammy of a transit increases your desire to go after what you want in the area of your life that is associated with Aries. Mars here can increase impatience, selfishness and the willingness to take risks, so be careful!

This month’s New Moon occurs on the 11th at 3:51pm at 21ºPisces 24’. This New Moon calls for socializing with food and increases the urge to merge. This is a time to form or join groups or organizations and egos are less likely to clash. The Full Moon is on the 27th at 5:27am at 6º52 Libra and closely opposes Venus. Full Moons reveal what we need to integrate and are frequently felt on an emotional level. This Full Moon is a double-edged sword. On the one hand there can be pleasant developments, but on the other there may be a temptation to take dangerous risks. It would be wise not to take any risky actions now.

3 thoughts on “Your March Astrology

  1. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Hi Amelia !!!!

    Very nice forecast….you REALLY now your astrology !!!!
    Hope you become a regular astrologer on this blog.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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