Protect Your Romantic Bond
Your relationships with friends and family are really important, but so are your relationships with significant others. There are just some things a partner can’t give you that a family member can, and there are just some things a partner can give you that a friend can’t. But sometimes friends and family cross the line and get too involved in romantic relationships. Sometimes they cross boundaries, and that’s because you’ve let them. Are you feeling stressed out by meddlesome friends and family? Here are four ways to protect your romantic relationship.
Does your family really have your best interest at heart? Find out during a relationship reading!
1. Set Boundaries Before They Can be Crossed
Certain topics should be off limits, like how many times you have sex in a week, or how much your new partner makes at their job. Whatever questions or discussions make you or your partner uncomfortable are off the table, so be sure to stop any friends or loved ones—the first time they ask—who are just a bit too curious. If you don’t stop them, you risk bad feelings and resentment down the road, and you don’t want your partner to have negative feelings towards you, your friends, or your loved ones.
2. Don’t Share Your Fears and Frustrations
It’s really easy to turn to friends and family when your partner’s choices and faults have got you stressed. But what happens once you’ve unburdened yourself? You feel better, forgive your partner and ultimately forget that you were frustrated. The thing is, your friends and family don’t feel better, don’t forgive and don’t forget. You’ve just dumped a lot of drama in their laps and what you’ve said will definitely impact how they view your significant other going forward. How about keeping your fears, concerns and frustrations between you and your partner instead?
3. Just Say No
If you are the type of person who has a hard time saying no, you will feel torn between your family, friends and your significant other. Learn balance. If you love your family, spend time with them—but not to the point that you neglect your significant other. And spend time with your significant other—but not to the point that you neglect your family. If one side is too demanding of your time, learn to say no.
4. Learn to Live Without Approval
You are an adult and you can make your own decisions. If you love your partner, if they make you feel happy and fulfilled, then it shouldn’t matter what your friends or family think. Learn to live without their approval—if they refuse to give it to you. Learn to trust your instincts. If you know you’re with the right person, that’s all that should matter.
Your Loved Ones are Important
Your family and friends are important to you, and that’s why they can have so much influence over you. In fact, they have so much influence that they can ruin your romantic relationships—if you let them. But you have the power to make or break your relationships too. You have the power to protect your partners, or throw them to the wolves. Don’t let outside influences ruin a good thing. If you are mature enough to be in a relationship, then you are mature enough to protect it and keep it whole.
8 thoughts on “4 Ways to Protect Your Relationship From Meddlesome Family and Friends”
I have meddlesome people in my life but I really don’t care what they think and will not live my life waiting for approval from them. This is my life, my journey. I haven’t always been that way but am a bit older and wiser now.
I agree with Psychic Kinsey… I also feel that it’s important to keep in mind
the dynamics of personality types. You may be a rare intuitive type personality
type that your family doesn’t understand, but they tolerate you because you
are part of the family. If your partner is an intuitive personality type, much
like you, then your family might not understand them very well either – this
can lead to your family not liking them… Nevertheless, have a mind of your
own and see through it all! The person most compatible for you may not
be the most compatible for family members, and that’s OK. If you want to
discuss such a problem in your life then give me a call.
Another great article, Eric, though I would be a bit more open about listening to the reasons my friends or family did not approve of a relationship choice.
It is quite often the case that an outsider can see areas of real concern more clearly than someone looking through love’s rose colored glasses. So many times, someone in love with an abuser, cheater or someone who is just not emotionally available chooses not to see red flags that would prevent them from experiencing prolonged heartbreak because they have convinced themselves that that person is “the one” even though the relationship is abusive, unhealthy or has no real future.
Respectfully listening to the concerns of our family and friends does not obligate us to end a relationship but does ensure that we at least are alerted to signs that we might be missing and allows us to make informed decisions.
Brightest Blessings,
Seren, Ext 5445
deep regards,
just great ,unbelievable
Relationship problems belongs to both of you partners, family will intervene when you see that it goes beyond your control, like your partner wants to introduce beating system in the relationship but further more you two must deal with whatever encounter your problems, and again good communication can solve that.
My parents are both deceased, but I had a “best friend” who sabotaged the relationship with my last significant other. She is no longer my best friend. In fact, I no longer speak to her, as her actions proved to me that she didn’t have my best interests at heart.
Great job, Eric.
At least several times per week, I find myself saying to clients : Keep your family and friends OUT of your love life. I agree, learn to live without approval……* they * are not you….and can’t give you unbiased, objective advice.
Problems in a relationship should stay between both of you….if outside help is needed, seek couples therapy, or, talk to your Minister, Priest, Reverend, etc… or your psychic…..anybody with experience but also who is unbiased and objective in their advice.
Blessed Be )O(
Gina Rose ext.9500